
by Silent Witness | July 5, 2019

       I’ll be honest and admit that I’ve never really been addicted to drugs. There was, however, a brief time when my late husband (he was my boyfriend then) and I were going to bars, and doing cocaine. Back then he was a coke dealer, and he also had access to other dealers, one of which was the owner of a pizza joint down the street from where he lived. He would frequently use his hard earned money (he was a city mechanic) and buy dope from this man.

Needless to say, my boyfriend coerced me to try snorting coke. He took a single-edged razor blade and chopped up the crystals into a fine powder on the glass table. He always used a rolled up dollar bill, sometimes a bigger denomination (a symbol of pride and power), to forcefully snort it into his nasal passages. He showed me how to “do lines,” and I ended up doing it with him whenever he got some. I knew it was wrong, and I was deadly afraid of putting any foreign substance into my body (still am), but I was so scared of him that I did it too. God forgive me from being such a coward. And He did.

I vividly remember one time when we were in the bar. I had snorted coke with my boyfriend just before arriving there. I was sitting on a bar stool, facing the wall. I soon tasted this peculiar, unforgettable, metallic taste in the back of my throat. My heart began to pound like it was going to burst out of my chest. I felt this incredible surge of energy from head to toe and I felt like I wanted to run and scream, but not one muscle would move. I was paralyzed, both with fear, and with the powerful drug now coursing through my body, and I couldn’t do a blessed thing about it. It lasted about twenty minutes, but it seemed like an eternity.

I don’t remember much after that, but after a time my boyfriend had to quit buying coke because it got too expensive, and he couldn’t afford it any more. He also apparently got the fear of God on him and stopped dealing too. That’s when he started me on pot. And that was the only thing that could ever be called an addiction with me. I smoked it when he was at work. I smoked it when he was at home. I smoked it and wanted to smoke it so much that I would get down on my hands and knees and search everywhere in that bedroom for the little “roaches” (ends of marijuana joints) he left behind, and roll them all into a Top paper and smoke that. I smoked it while I was pregnant with my second child. Oh, how merciful my God was to me, because my son was born healthy in spite of my foolishness and cowardice. Oh how gracious my God was to me, and to my newborn son.

As a now long-sober woman of God, who has learned to give all my cares to Jesus, I want to tell you what drugs really do to a person. Drugs are doorways to your soul. When you take drugs, demonic spirits enter in and wreak havoc on your body and slowly destroy your mind. That sounds weird but it’s true. Why do you suppose people on drugs act like animals, screeching, destroying things, even running into cars’ windshields and getting up without a scratch? That’s evidence of demon possession. Why do you think it takes four grown men to hold down a wasted druggie? Because demons (fallen angels) are powerful entities which take over your body, your mind, and your soul. They possess superhuman strength, which makes the druggie physically stronger than he normally is. When you stick a heroin needle in your arm, or smoke crack or meth, you are in essence allowing evil spirits into your whole being. They use these powerful vehicles (drugs) to enter into your body and get you high, and addiction happens when you crave the very first high you ever had; however, the human body is not made to withstand supernatural forces, and you can never attain that level of “high” any more, so you want more and more and you become a wasted human being, sick, diseased, worn out, burnt out, penniless, powerless, and with no hope of recovery. The Devil always shows the glamour, the glitz, the power and the fame, but he never shows you the death, the destruction, nor the Hell that awaits your soul when you perish.

I’ve seen poor folks so messed up on meth that they look like shells of their former selves. They live on the street, begging for money in front of Wawas or in the middle of highways where they can very easily get killed. They need much prayer. They have no hope but the needle, the bong, the blunt, the fleeting rush of intense power and well-being which vanishes faster and faster so they keep shooting up more and more, and then end up dying without God. You can get mad at me and say I’m delusional by labeling your addictions as demon possession, but what else would you call this if it wasn’t for satanic power…

Seeing this breaks my heart. What a waste. I pray that she is still alive and gives her heart to Jesus.

I started to show a picture of a meth addict’s teeth, but you can look that up for yourself, if you dare. It’s too terrible to show here.

I wanted to give my testimony because I have been around the block a few times and I know what it’s like to suffer under the overpowering control of drugs. Granted, I can’t say I’d done anything stronger like meth, PCP or acid, so please don’t judge me by the things I didn’t do. Point is, I’m telling you that the Lord Jesus Christ is far more powerful than your addiction. But I have seen others struggle under the stranglehold of drugs and how wasted their lives ended up, all because they wanted one more hit, one more high, but then all they get is Hell if they didn’t get born again.

I said all that to say this. If you are reading this and have a substance abuse problem, there is hope for you. Jesus Christ came to set you free from bondage, even the bondage of drug addiction. This is not Al-Anon, nor AA, nor a mental hospital, this is Bible. You can be saved. Jesus can set you free from your addictions. You will not go to Hell if you do drugs– you go to Hell for not believing on Jesus to save your soul FROM Hell. You can be born again and live a clean, glorious life for Jesus, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, never have the urge to do drugs again.

You may be asking, “What do I do to be saved?” Simply believe that Jesus Christ died for you on the cross, was buried, and rose again from the grave, having shed His blood on the cross in full payment for all your sin. He died so that you might live. He rose again and is now sitting at the right hand of God in Heaven, interceding for all those who call upon Him in faith. He wants you, and all people, to come to him in faith that He can save your eternal soul from Hell fire. You can be born again right now if you so choose. Please receive Jesus Christ while you still have the chance.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 KJB

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. John 8:36


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