Complied and Commented by
David J. Stewart

Satan's greatest strength has always
been convincing the world that he doesn't really exist. Biblically, Satan is
the god of this evil world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Satan controls the world
through demon-possessed Luciferian worshipping occult groups such as Skull and
Bones, Bohemian Grove, Freemasonry, Knights Of Columbus, Rosicrucianism, the
Russian Orthodox Church, et cetera. Satan looks for weakness, and God knows
there's plenty of that in this sin-cursed world. A chain is only as strong as
its weakest link.
Since Satan's works are evil, he
must continually operate in secrecy, deceitfully, under the cover of darkness.
This is what the word “occult” means, that is, “hidden.” The innermost members
of such occult groups are known as “esoteric circles.” As shocking as it is to
some people, THE TRUTH is that most of the world's top political, religious
and military leaders are
Luciferian-worshipping occult members. The truth is stranger than fiction!
With this in mind, even a brief
amount of research can quickly reveal that nearly all of today's mainstream
psuedo (false) religious cults were founded by FREEMASONS. That is, a
Luciferian-worshipping occult organization is behind most of America's
mainstream false religions; which includes, Mormonism, Judaism, Jehovah's
Witnesses, Scientology, Christian Science, Oral Roberts' Charismatic group,
Seventh Day Adventism, Church of Christ and hundreds of smaller faction
groups. END
The Lucis (Lucifer) Trust and Brainwashing
Lucis Trust is the Publishing
House which prints and disseminates United Nations material. It is a
devastating indictment of the New Age and Pagan nature of the UN. Lucis
Trust was established in 1922 as "Lucifer Trust" by Alice Bailey as
the publishing company to disseminate the books of Bailey and Blavatsky and
the Theosophical Society. The title page of Alice Bailey's book, 'Initiation,
Human and Solar' was originally printed in 1922, and clearly shows the
publishing house as 'Lucifer Publishing CoIn 1923.'
changed the name to Lucis Trust, because Lucifer Trust revealed
the true nature of the New Age Movement too clearly. (Constance Cumbey,
The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, p. 49). A quick trip to any New Age
bookstore will reveal that many of the hard-core New Age books are published
by Lucis Trust.
At one time, the Lucis Trust office in New York was located at 666
United Nations Plaza and is a member of the Economic and Social Council of
the United Nations under a slick program called "World Goodwill". In an
Alice Bailey book called "Education for a New Age"; she suggests that
in the new age "World Citizenship should be the goal of the enlightened, with
a world federation and a world brain." In other words - a One World
New World Order.
Luci's Trust is sponsored by among others Robert McNamara, former
minister of Defense in the USA, president of the World Bank, member of the
Rockefeller Foundation, and Thomas Watson (IBM, former ambassador in
Moscow). Luci's Trust sponsors among others the following organizations:
The United
Nations has long been one of the foremost world harbingers for the "New
Spirituality" and the gathering "New World Order" based on ancient
occult and freemasonic principles. Seven years after the birth of the UN,
a book was published by the theosophist and founder of the Lucis Trust,
Alice Bailey, claiming that,
"Evidence of
the growth of the human intellect along the needed receptive lines [for the
preparation of the New Age] can be seen in the "planning" of various nations
and in the efforts of the United Nations to formulate a world plan...
From the very start of this unfoldment, three occult factors have
governed the development of all these plans"
[Alice B.
Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age (Lucis Press, 1955), Vol. II,
Although she did
not spell out clearly the identity of these 'three occult factors', she
did reveal to her students that,
"Within the
United Nations is the germ and seed of a great international and
meditating, reflective group - a group of thinking and informed men and
women in whose hands lies the destiny of humanity. This is largely under the
control of many fourth ray disciples, if you could but realize it, and their
point of meditative focus is the intuitional or Buddhic plane - the plane
upon which all hierarchical activity is today to be found"
[Ibid. p.220.]
To this end, the
Lucis Trust, under the leadership of Foster and Alice Bailey,
started a group called 'World Goodwill' - an official non-governmental
organization within the United Nations. The stated aim of this group is,
"to cooperate
in the world of preparation for the reappearance of
the Christ"
[One Earth,
the magazine of the Findhorn Foundation, October/November 1986, Vol.
6, Issue 6, p.24.]
But the esoteric
work inside the UN does not stop with such recognized occult groupings.
Much of the impetus for this process was initiated through the officership of
two Secretary-Generals of the UN, Dag Hammarskjöld (held office:
1953-1961) and U Thant (held office: 1961-1971) who succeeded him, and
one Assistant Secretary-general, Dr. Robert Muller. In a book written
to celebrate the philosophy of Teilhard de Chardin (and edited by
Robert Muller), it is revealed,
Hammarskjöld, the rational Nordic economist, had ended up as a mystic.
He too held at the end of his life that spirituality was the ultimate key to
our earthly fate in time and space"
Muller (ed.), The Desire to be Human: A Global Reconnaissance of
Human Perspectives in an Age of Transformation (Miranana, 1983), p.304.]
Sri Chinmoy,
the New Age guru, meditation leader at the UN, wrote:
"the United
Nations is the chosen instrument of God; to be a chosen
instrument means to be a divine messenger carrying the banner of God's
inner vision and outer manifestation."
William Jasper,
author of "A New World Religion" describes the religion of the UN:
"...a weird and
diabolical convergence of New Age mysticism, pantheism, aboriginal animism
atheism, communism, socialism, Luciferian occultism, apostate
Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism".
At you can find out
much more about them and how they're involved with the work of the United
Nations by following their link "World
Goodwill" at the top of their home page.
The Aquarian Age Community
This Website
is sponsored by the United Nations and the whole
NWO philosophy is there. The page which explains the work of the
Aquarian Age Community, as they call themselves, has
proud quote at the header of their page:
Such a grandeur is ahead!
Such a great step awaits a fiery affirmation.
Our teaching and the affirmation of the Higher
Principles will reveal so much that is great to humanity!
A great period is drawing near: Thus we do create together.
Fiery World
Vol. III, par. 149
Amongst the many
'enlightening' pages in this website, you can easily find 'fascinating'
articles entitled:
This is not
Christian theology but New Age paganism. You can also read the
NWO quotes I posted, further down this page. Here's another by Curtis
Dall, FD Roosevelt's son in law as quoted in his book,
My Exploited Father in Law:
"For a long
time I felt that FDR had developed many thoughts and ideas that were his own
to benefit this country, the United States. But, he didn't. Most of his
thoughts, his political ammunition, as it were, were carefully manufactured
for him in advanced by the
Council on Foreign Relations One World
Money group...
with great gusto, like a fine piece of artillery, he exploded that prepared
"ammunition" in the middle of an unsuspecting target, the American people,
and thus paid off and returned his internationalist political support.
The UN is but a long range, international banking apparatus nearly
set up for financial and economic profit by a small group of powerful One
World Revolutionaries, hungry for profit and power.
The depression was the calculated 'shearing' of the public by the World
Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call
money in the New York money market... The One World Government leaders and
their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and
credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned
Federal Reserve Bank."
Lucis Trust Propagates
The Work Of Satan
Some of the infamous ascended
masters of the demonic New Age movement and satanism over the past century
have been: Madame Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Albert Pike and Aleister Crowley.
Lucis Trust propagates the work of an “Ascended Master” (i.e., a demon
possessed man) who was working “through” Alice Bailey for 30 years.
The Antichrist will have a
religion―a One World Religion. We read in Revelation 17 that the woman,
which rides the beast with seven heads and ten horns, is the mother of
harlots. The ten "horns" are 10 kings according to Revelation 17:12. Carefully
notice that the woman does not control or steer the Beast. It is the Beast,
i.e., Satan, and cannot be tamed. Those who ride the Beast have sold their
souls to Satan voluntarily, and are thus controlled by the Devil.
Revelation 17:18, “And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which
reigneth over the kings of the earth.”
Revelation 17:18 reveals who the
"woman" is... "And the woman which thou sawest is that great city,
which reigneth over the kings of the earth." Although many theologians
believe the woman to be Catholicism (i.e., Vatican City), I think the
Illuminati is more likely. It is abundantly clear that
Freemasonry controls the U.S. Government. The
evidence is irrefutable that members of occult organizations such as
Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Knights Templar and numerous others, control
this sinful world.
13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati
To accomplish their diabolical
New World Order agenda, i.e., to bring to fruition a Global Totalitarian
Godless Police State, the minds of the masses must be homogenized to share a
common belief system; namely, New Age.
The New Age Movement was
started to deviously lead society into a Luciferian mindset.
The underlying foundation of New Age is that
no one person, group, or denomination can be 100% correct; thus, New Age
purports that there are thousands of paths to the light, or god.
Listen to Miss
New Age herself, Oprah Winfrey, teach that Jesus couldn't possibly be the
only way to Heaven. For a Christian to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the ONLY
way to Heaven is a major offense to New Agers. In effect, New Age is preparing
the masses to be deceived by the Antichrist.
Madame Blavatsky and Alice Bailey
Lucis (Lucifer) Trust is the Spiritual
foundation of the United Nations
Trust is the Publishing House which prints and disseminates United
Nations material. It is a devastating indictment of the New Age and Pagan
nature of the UN. Lucis Trust was established in 1922 as Lucifer Trust
by Alice Bailey as the publishing company to disseminate the books of
Bailey and Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society.
to public outrage over the creepy name of the publishing company, it was
changed one year later to Lucis Trust.
title page of Alice Bailey's book, “Initiation, Human and Solar” was
originally printed in 1922, and clearly shows the publishing house as:
“Lucifer Publishing CoIn
1923. Bailey changed the name to Lucis Trust, because Lucifer Trust revealed
the true nature of the New Age Movement too clearly.”
Constance Cumbey, The
Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, p. 49
Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Satan controls the world
through demon-possessed Luciferian worshippers such as: Madame Blavatsky,
Alice Bailey, Albert Pike and Aleister Crowley. Lucis Trust propagates the
work of an “Ascended Master” (i.e., a demon possessed man) who was working
“through” Alice Bailey for 30 years.
Lucis Trust Publishing Company and their many fronts and organizations worship
an “Externalized Hierarchy” of “Ascended Masters,” who carry out the work of a
Luciferian “master plan” (Adam Weishaupt's 1775 Illuminati blueprint) for the
establishment of a permanent “Age of Aquarius”
ruled by one “SANAT Kumara,” (notice the name SATAN has been
rearranged, just as SANTA) the “Lord of the World” (2nd Corinthians 4:4
identifies this as the Devil, who is the “god” of this evil world). Sanat
Kumara is a fictitious character made up by Alice Bailey and her
Satan-worshipping buddies. The truth of the matter is that the so-called
“Ascended Masters” were in contact with familiar sprits, demons, that dictated
what Satan wanted them to write. This is how Satan controls the “spiritual
wickedness in high places” as Ephesians 6:12 teaches in the Bible.
Fifty years at the United Nations plaza. Currently located on Wall Street in
New York. Lucis Trust provides worldwide financial support for the Arcane
School, World Goodwill, Triangles, Lucis Publishing, Lucis Productions, Lucis
Trust Libraries, and the New Group of World Servers. Maintains the UN
meditation room.
quick trip to any New Age bookstore will reveal that many of the hard-core New
Age books are published by Lucis Trust. At one time, the Lucis
Trust office in New York was located at 866 United Nations Plaza and is a
member of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations under a
slick program called “World Goodwill.”
an Alice Bailey's book called “Education for a New Age;” she suggests that in
the new age,
“World Citizenship should
be the goal of the enlightened, with a world federation and a world brain.”
other words, a One World Government, aka, a New World Order.
At one time, the Lucis
Trust office in New York was located at 666
United Nations Plaza and is a member of the Economic and Social Council of the
United Nations under a slick program called “World Goodwill.” Truly Satan is
the god of this evil world (2nd Corinthians 4:4).
Lucis Trust is sponsored by among others Robert McNamara, former
Minister of Defense in the U.S.A., president of the World Bank,
member of the
Rockefeller Foundation, and Thomas Watson
(IBM, former ambassador in Moscow).
Lucis Trust sponsors among others the following organizations:
Greenpeace Int.
Greenpeace USA
Amnesty Int.
United Nations has long been one of the foremost world harbingers for the “New
Spirituality” and the gathering ”New
World Order” based on ancient occult and freemasonic principles. Seven
years after the birth of the UN, a book was published by the theosophist and
founder of the Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey, claiming that:
“Evidence of the growth of the human
intellect along the needed receptive lines [for the preparation of the New
Age] can be seen in the "planning" of various nations and in the efforts of
the United Nations to formulate a world plan... From the very start of this
unfoldment, three occult factors have governed the development of all these
[Alice B. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age (Lucis Press, 1955), Vol. II,
Although she did not spell out clearly the identity of these 'three occult
factors', she did reveal to her students that:
the United Nations is
the germ and seed of a great international and meditating, reflective group
- a group of thinking and informed men and women in whose hands lies the
destiny of humanity. This is largely under the control of many fourth ray
disciples, if you could but realize it, and their point of meditative focus
is the intuitional or Buddhic plane - the plane upon which all hierarchical
activity is today to be found.”
[Ibid. p.220.]
this end, the Lucis Trust, under the leadership of Foster and Alice Bailey,
started a group called “World Goodwill” (an official non-governmental
organization within the United Nations).
stated aim of this group is:
“to cooperate in the world of preparation
for the reappearance of the Christ”
[One Earth, the magazine of the Findhorn Foundation, October/November 1986,
Vol. 6, Issue 6, p.24.]
course, their false Christ is the coming Antichrist, the man of sin. The
esoteric (hidden, occult) work inside the United Nations does not stop with
such recognized occult groupings. Much of the impetus for this process was
initiated through the officership of two Secretary-Generals of the UN, Dag
Hammarskjöld (Secretary-General of the United Nations:
1953-1961) and U Thant (Secretary-General of the United
Nations, 1961-1971) who succeeded him, and one Assistant
Secretary-General, Dr. Robert Muller.
a book written to celebrate the philosophy of Teilhard de Chardin (and edited
by Robert Muller), it is revealed:
“Dag Hammarskjöld, the rational Nordic
economist, had ended up as a mystic. He too held at the end of his life that
spirituality was the ultimate key to our earthly fate in time and space.”
[Robert Muller (ed.), The Desire to be Human: A Global Reconnaissance of
Human Perspectives in an Age of Transformation (Miranana, 1983), p.304.]
Sri Chinmoy, the New Age guru, meditation leader at the UN, wrote:
United Nations is the
chosen instrument of God; to be a chosen instrument means to be a
divine messenger carrying the banner of God's inner vision and outer
William Jasper, author of “A New World Religion” describes the religion of the
“...a weird and
diabolical convergence of New Age mysticism, pantheism, aboriginal animism
atheism, Communism, socialism, Luciferian occultism, apostate Christianity,
Islam, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism."” (Here's their
Satanic website). On the main page of the Lucis Trust website, they
John Lennon's dream in the song IMAGE, did come
true many millenniums ago, after the flood. Noah and his wife and his three
sons and their wives were the only ones to survive the flood. All humanity was
killed in the flood. Only eight people survived the flood. There were no
borders when they walked off the ark in Genesis 8. There were no religions.
There was nothing to go to war nor fight over. But it wasn't even a few
chapters later in the Book of Genesis, that humanity had gone once again into
utter wickedness.
God stopped them from uniting in apostasy at
Babel in Genesis 11:1-9. God had to intervene and segregate mankind,
separating them across the face of the earth; changing their languages and
geographical locations as a safeguard (Acts 17:26-27). Satan is trying to undo
what God did, to corrupt mankind, breaking down all barriers of culture, race,
language and religion. This is why Lucis Trust aims to promote, through their
unbiblical doctrines of devils, an interdenominational society (sounds like
Babel all over to me). Please read,
THE BIG PICTURE to learn more on this topic.
We are living in the Last Days, in times of woefully apostasy and rebellion
against the God of the Bible, i.e., the God of true Israel.
You can find out much more about the Lucis Trust and how
they're involved with the work of the United Nations by following their link
“World Goodwill” at the top of their home page.
When the Antichrist comes, he will WORSHIP THE GOD OF FORCES...
Daniel 11:38, “But in his estate shall he
honour the God of forces: and a
god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and
with precious stones, and pleasant things.”
The Satanic Aquarian Age Community
This Website is sponsored by the United Nations and the whole NWO
philosophy is there. The page which explains the work of the Aquarian Age
Community, as they call themselves, has this quote at the header of their page
at ...
a grandeur is ahead!
Such a great step awaits a fiery affirmation.
Our teaching and the affirmation of the Higher
Principles will reveal so much that is great to humanity!
A great period is drawing near: Thus we do create together.
Fiery World
Vol. III, par. 149
Again, sounds like a modern-day
Babel to me. Notice in Genesis 11:8 that they were building a “CITY”
also, not just a tower as many errantly think. I think the unfinished
pyramid (i.e.,
The Great Pyramid) represents the unfinished city and tower of
Babel. Satan wants to complete what he started, and has wanted to do since the
beginning of time, i.e., unite humanity together to worship him instead of
God. The Antichrist will create a bigger-than-life IMAGE of
himself, just as wicked king Nebuchadnezzar did in Daniel 3:5-7), demanding
worship and killing those who refuse (Revelation 13:15).
This is exactly what the Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar, did in the Old
Testament. He tried to kill Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego for refusing to
bow to Nebuchadnezzar's 90-foot tall golden image (Daniel 3:16-19). Times
haven't changed in 2,600 years since Daniel. Satan tried to get Jesus to
worship him (Matthew 4:8-9), and he wants you to worship him as well. This is
why over 42,000,000 Americans have purchased ACDC's
Highway to Hell song on the Back in Black album.
Amongst the many enlightening pages in the Aquarian Age website, you will
find fascinating articles entitled:
“The New World Order and the Work of the UN” at
World Spiritual Teacher, the Esoteric Community and the United Nations” at
Keep in mind that these people worship Lucifer (the very name of their
organization). In the following stated purpose of their organization, the
AQUARIAN AGE COMMUNITY states that they are looking and awaiting
for the reappearance of a WORLD TEACHER. This is the Antichrist. Nowhere in
the Bible are we told that Jesus will return as a teacher. The following is a
photo, so the hyperlinks don't work. Read for yourself their New Age heresies.
Notice that sin is not a concept embraced by New Agers. In their Humanistic
thinking, they deny the reality of the sinful nature of mankind.
The purpose of their organization is to prepare the world for the
Antichrist. They're “preparing the way for the reappearance of the World
Teacher—the Christed (Anointed) One, the true Aquarian.” On the
original page, if you
click on the hyperlink that says, “the true Aquarian,” then the following
Luciferian teachings by Alice A. Bailey come up...

It is clear to me that the real agenda of this evil group is to further
blind men from the truth of God's Word. In fact, this is exactly what 2nd
Corinthians 4:4 teaches, “In whom the god of this world hath blinded
the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of
Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” Satan blinds the
The mighty Bible teacher,
Dr. M.R. DeHaan, states concerning the Antichrist...
“In considering the policy
and claims of the personal Antichrist, we must remind you again of a key
that will help much in understanding his methods. Remember that he is the
Antichrist. As we trace his course through the Word, we find that, like the
saints in Revelation, he follows 'the Lamb whithersoever He goeth.' His
purpose is to make men believe that he is the true Christ and God, and
therefore he imitates Christ, making the same claims and doing many of the
same miracles. For this reason both Jew and Gentile will readily accept him
as the great master mind and coming deliverer.”
OF JESUS, pg. 140; by M.R. DeHaan; 1944; ISBN: 0-8254-2483-6
That is EXACTLY what Alice Bailey
has done, i.e., teaching that the Antichrist is the coming great master mind
and coming deliverer. The truth is that the Antichrist will woefully DECEIVE
the masses of this world (2nd Thessalonians 2:10-12). The Antichrist will use
many illusions and lying wonders, and the majority of the world will be
deceived into following him. The truth is our primary weapon against Satan.
The Doctrine of Christ (2nd John
1:9) is under malicious attack everywhere today, especially the doctrine of
the GODHEAD (Acts 17:29, Romans 1:20 and Colossians 2:9 in the precious King
James Bible). Note: If you are using a corrupted modern Bible version,
such as the New
International Version (NIV) then you won't find the word “Godhead,”
because they dishonestly removed the word to deceive you. The New Age Movement
is based upon feelings and
experience; but Biblical Christianity is based upon THE TRUTH and the
PROMISES of God. Amen and amen!
Alice and Foster Bailey, Freemasonry, and Madame Blavatsky, have succeeded
greatly in their purpose to blind humanity. All over the world today, billions
of people are trusting in some false religion to save them. All mainstream
world religions have been
either started or infiltrated by the Freemasonry occult (part
2), leading people into Hell fire and damnation. This is Satan's sole
purpose—to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). Alice Bailey taught a false
Maitreya is not Jesus Christ as she claims.
Alice Bailey is slicker than a greased bearing. She is saying that the
Christian Christ is the Antichrist. Everything Bailey describes is about the
man of sin, the Beast, the Antichrist. Notice that nothing she said comes from
the Bible. Bailey twists and distorts the truth to confuse, mislead and blind
those who are naive and ignorant of THE TRUTH. Notice also that she refuses to
mention the name of Jesus. Bailey's description of her false Christ is not
The following video does a good job of exposing The Lucifer Trust
for the Satanic organization that it is...
The Lucifer Trust
The New World Order and the Tower of Babel
confounded mankind at Babel, stopping them from building their tower and city
(Genesis 11:8). Satan wants to finish what was started.
Bible says that God stopped humanity at Babel because of their evil nature
when they unite together. Genesis 11:6, “And the LORD said, Behold, the
people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and
now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.”
The world had become so evil before the flood that God chose to destroy the
world by flood. It wasn't even a few chapters later in Genesis where we find
men uniting in rebellion against God all over again (Genesis 11:1-9). God
segregated mankind at Babel, changing their language and location, as a
safeguard for humanity (Acts 17:26-27).
New World Order has been in the planning and works for thousands of years. It
is no coincidence that
The Great Pyramid of Egypt was never finished. It is estimated to
have been build around 2600 BC, but the top-stone (or capstone) was never put
into place. I believe this is because Satan wants to finish was God stopped at
Babel. For thousands of years, Satan has desired the worship of humanity. We
see this evidenced in Matthew 4:8-9 when Satan offered Jesus everything that
this temporary life has to offer in exchange for worship. Jesus used the Sword
of God, the Scriptures, to defeat Satan (Matthew 4:10). Amen!
New World Order in my opinion is Satan leading demon-possessed Luciferians to
finish what was started at Babel, i.e., they were building a tower and a city.
We always hear about the tower, but no one ever mentions THE CITY.
I think the unfinished pyramid on the back of every U.S. dollar represents the
unfinished city of Babel. The capstone is detached from the base of the
pyramid. The puzzle is coming together.
Alice A. Bailey Married to
33rd Degree Freemason, Foster Bailey
Another 33rd Degree Freemason, Foster Bailey,
sponsored his wife, Alice A. Bailey, into Co-Masonry, where she became a key
leader. Alice was also the top leader of the House of Theosophy from the
1920's to the early 1950's; she was a prolific writer, admittedly a channeler
for a spirit by the name of Master D.K. She had significant revelations to add
to this subject of Inner, Invisible Freemasonry.
"There is no dissociation between the One
Universal Church, the sacred inner Lodge of all true Masons, and the
inner-most circles of the esoteric societies. [Bailey,
Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 513]
Bailey is saying here that, once you get into the
Inner, Invisible part of Freemasonry, there is no distinction possible between
this heart of Masonry, the true Universal Church [which we know to be the
church of Antichrist], and of the similar inner-most circles of the other
secret societies throughout the world.
But, then, Bailey makes an even stronger
statement revealing the Inner, Invisible Masonic fraternity. "The Masonic
Movement ... is the custodian of the law; it is the home of the Mysteries, and
the seat of initiation. It holds in it symbolism the ritual of Deity, and the
way of salvation is pictorially preserved in its work. The methods of Deity
are demonstrated in its Temples, and under the All-seeing Eye the work can go
forward. It is a far more occult organisation than can be realised, and it is
intended to be the training school for the coming advanced occultists."
[Bailey, Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 511]
Since the meaning of the word, "occult",
is "hidden", or "invisible", we know that
Bailey is here speaking of the Inner, Invisible part of Freemasonry. And, not
only is does this Invisible Fraternity exist, it is intended to be the
training ground for the coming advanced occultists!!
The United Nations,
which was created and is controlled by The Council On Foreign Relations,
is highly involved in bringing to fruition a One World Religion...
U.N. plans to
bring together 1,000 world religious leaders
By Larry Witham, THE WASHINGTON TIMES, July 14,
A global summit bringing 1,000 religious
leaders to the United Nations will disclose some participants next week,
good news to U.N. officials eager to plan security and protocol for the
unprecedented Aug. 28-29 event. The "working list" to be issued Tuesday will
not include personages such as Pope John Paul II and probably not the Dalai
Lama, who reports no invitation. But the Vatican's Cardinal Francis Arinze,
a Nigerian, will make the trek to New York City as will spiritual leaders
from countries such as Peru who have never before left their native soils.
"The leaders we've met in Africa, and Europe
and Asia and Russia understand the opportunity," said Dena Merriam, a vice
chairman of the summit. "The challenge is to have so many top leaders, and
they all have something to say," she said. Miss Merriam, who has traveled
with the summit's Secretary-General Bawa Jain to enlist participants, noted
that even heads of state are given no more than five minutes to make remarks
at the United Nations.
The Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious
and Spiritual Leaders is organized by an "independent coalition" of
interfaith leaders, and is being held in a year when nongovernmental
organizations, or NGOs, are seeking use of the General Assembly chamber more
than usual.
"We're hoping in the next two weeks that their program will begin to gel," a
U.N. official said.
"Any event that takes place in the General Assembly room requires major
concern for security, protocol, the political [aspects], and making sure the
program is compatible with the work of the United Nations," he said.
NGO use of the chamber averages about four
times a year, but this year it will be roughly 10 times.
The Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders opens
Aug. 28 with an afternoon procession into the General Assembly and sessions
all the next day. It moves for two more days to the nearby Waldorf Astoria
hotel. The summit was announced last October after "conversations" between
media mogul Ted Turner and U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who will
address the session of "the world's pre-eminent" spiritual leaders.
One casualty of the inevitable political
delicacies may be the Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of Tibet. China holds one
of five permanent seats on the U.N. Security Council and long has opposed
his speaking at the United Nations. "His Holiness has not been invited to
the summit," an Office of Tibet spokeswoman in New York said Thursday.
The religious leaders are expected to issue a
Declaration for World Peace and agree to some form of a permanent
International Advisory Council of Religious and Spiritual Leaders. Mr.
Turner, the summit's honorary chairman, has promised full live coverage by
CNN. The chairman of the top advisory board is Canadian businessman Maurice
Strong, who ran the U.N. Earth Summit in 1992, and a vice president of the
summit's executive counsel is former Sen. Timothy Wirth, Colorado Democrat,
who now heads Mr. Turner's grant-giving United Nations Foundation.
Other vice presidents are Gillian Sorenson,
assistant to Mr. Annan, and the Rev. James Morton, an Episcopal priest with
the Interfaith Center of New York. A midtown Manhattan office near the
United Nations has been the hub of the yearlong effort inviting notable
people from 12 world traditions, from the monotheistic faiths to
Zoroastrianism, indigenous religions and Confucianism. Funding comes from 11
sponsors, which include the Better World Fund of Mr. Turner and the
Templeton, Carnegie and Rockefeller Brothers foundations. Summit organizers
would not yet disclose a budget.
The organization, SHARE INTERNATIONAL,
falsely states that Jesus is already here as the New Age teacher Maitreya:
"Many now expect the
return of their awaited Teacher, whether they call him the Christ, Messiah,
the fifth Buddha, Krishna, or the Imam Mahdi. Millions now know that the
Teacher who fulfills all these expectations is already living among us.
Maitreya, the World Teacher, has not come
alone, but with a group of wise Teachers who have long guided humanity from
behind the scenes."
The Bible warned us that these imposters would
come... "And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or,
lo, he is there; believe him not" (Mark 13:21).
Closing Remarks
Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians
4:4), who's ultimate goal is to lead the world once again in rebellion against
God. The heathen masses will worship the Antichrist... "Who opposeth and
exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that
he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God"
(2nd Thessalonians 2:4). In order for Satan to achieve this, he must redefine
the way people think. This wasn't possible before the advent of modern
technology. We are truly living in the last days.
The world is getting smaller every day, i.e.,
mass communication via the internet, television, cable TV, and cell phones are
rebuilding a modern day Tower of Babel so-to-speak (Revelation
18:10). Global governmental control is making it virtually impossible to
escape modern civilization. As at Babel in Genesis 11, the world is once again
uniting in rebellion against God Almighty.
As the world grows smaller, so will it continue
to join the New Age Movement of the New World Order. The
Lucis Trust is just one of hundreds of satanic organization committed to
leading the world to follow Lucifer, i.e., the Devil, who appears as an angel
of light (2nd Corinthians 11:13-15). Satan's key characteristics are accusing
Christians (Revelation 12:10) and deceiving people (Matthew 7:15).
You Can Trust Jesus!
The Devil is a snake in malicious character.
You'd be a complete fool to trust Lucifer! The Devil will slit our collective
throat just as soon as we turn our backs. You gotta watch that snake!
Revelation 20:2 calls Satan a “dragon” and “serpent.” Before he sinned and
became Satan, the Devil, Lucifer was an archangel in Heaven. There are three
archangels that the Bible mentions; namely, Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer.
Michael is in charge of the host (army) of angels (Daniel 10:13). Gabriel is
always a messenger (Daniel 8:16). Lucifer was in charge of music (Ezekiel 28).
It is no coincidence that the
music industry in America is saturated with worship of Satan!
In sharp contrast to Satan's occult secrecy,
Jesus said that He “SPAKE OPENLY TO THE WORLD.” Jesus didn't join a
prestigious occult group of us-4-and-no-more. John 18:20, “Jesus
answered him, I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and
in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret
have I said nothing.” No one can claim exclusive revelation
from God (2nd Peter 1:20). What is available for you is available for me, and
vise-versa. I love that about God.
You Can Trust Jesus!
(awesome video sermon by
Pastor Danny
Also, we are rewarded for our labours, and not
for what is accomplished. We all have an equal opportunity to serve God. One
Christian man may be the pastor of a big church in a free nation, and yet
another Christian man may be imprisoned in a North Korean labor camp for
preaching the gospel, but both men reach the future at 60-minutes per hour! A
man who is a slave can still pray in his heart and God will reward him equally
with the pastor of a mega-church. Prayer is labor (Colossians 4:12).
If one woman witnesses the gospel to 10 people
and they all get saved; but another woman witnesses the gospel to 10 people
and no one gets saved, they will receive an equal reward in Heaven, because it
is only “GOD THAT GIVETH THE INCREASE” (1st Corinthians 3:7). We cannot save
anyone. All we can do is compel them with the Scriptures and a loving heart to
get saved before it's too late.
Antichrist is coming, but Satan is already here!
Newsletter Archives For
Christians Regarding Freemasonry
Georgia Guidestones - Masonic Occult
Agenda for America:
How Satan Controls the World
German Built, NASA and Vatican owned
and funded, Infrared Telescope called LUCIFER
Using the
internet to bring truth and Christ to a lost world!
“It is the only happy life to live for the
salvation of souls.”
—Pastor Dwight L. Moody