The Jehovah's Witness Highway To Hell
By David J. Stewart | July 2015
Galatians 1:9, “As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.”
The Jehovah's Witnesses (JW's) are a dangerous religious cult started in 1874. They are cursed by God for teaching ANOTHER GOSPEL (2nd Corinthians 11:3-4). To learn about the true Gospel, please read “ANOTHER GOSPEL” by Pastor Harry A. Ironside (1876-1951). JW headquarters throughout the 20th century were located in Brooklyn, New York. JW's are members of the New World Order (NWO) deception. JW's even named their Satanic Bible version New World Translation (NWT). And now they just published a 2013 revision. The NWT is of the Devil, both old and new, based upon the heretical work of Westcott and Hort. In John 1:1, the NWT says that Jesus is a god, instead of was God. That's a total perversion of the Greek Scriptures. Jesus is almighty God! Their founder, Charles T. Russell, was a 33rd degree Freemason. Mr. Russell has a giant Illuminati pyramid parked on top of his grave. In 2009, the JW's decided to sell their billion dollars worth of properties in Brooklyn and move their world headquarters to Warwick, NY.
Jehovah's Witnesses are friendly. I believe most of their followers are sincere, but not the leadership. JW's are steeped in the New World Order and Freemasonry, as are Mormons and Seventh-Day Adventists. Please read, Religions: The Occult Connection. In their Watchtower magazines, JW's appeal to people's compassion for the world's poor, hungry and afflicted. A person who is spiritually naive of the Word of God is likely to be impressed by the Jehovah's Witness religion. They teach honesty, hard work, avoiding debt, purity in relationships and faith in God. It's the perfect religious cover. Albeit, religion is not the Gospel. You can be a devout follower of any religion you want, and go straight to Hell when you die!
Religion wants to fit us with glasses, but the Lord Jesus Christ wants to open our eyes!
Jehovah's Witnesses, like Seventh-Day Adventists, deny the existence of the Lake of Fire. Both false religions teach that the wicked will simply die and cease to exist (annihilation). The leaders of JW's are referred to as the “governing body” (or elders). They're all Zionists and Freemasons. JW's are caught up in the Satanic fraud of Zionism, supporting the fraud of present-day Illuminati Israel. It was the United Nations (a Trojan Horse of the Illuminati) and not God who started modern Israel in May of 1948. Everywhere the UN goes under the pretense of world peace, so follows more war, death and havoc.
The international banking cabal through predatory lending and fraud have fornicated with the nations (Revelation 18:3), leaving them worse off and in massive debt to the global banksters. Through the exploitation of the United States and Israel, the Wall Street controlled Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) starts civil wars and political unrest to overthrow sovereign nations with coups. Everything has been consolidated, placing control over the world's people into the hands of a few. Presently there are about 5 banks and 6 corporations which have global control over the world. Please watch, Spain Has Fallen To European Union Tyranny (1984 has come to Spain!; free speech banned). The Illuminati have overthrown Libya and Syria, and not too long ago Egypt. They've conquered Afghanistan and Iraq, putting their own puppet government in place, maintaining the illusion of freedom by providing multiple Illuminati puppets in local elections.
And of course, they took over America's White House by a coup when George H. Bush became U.S. President. Our legitimate government is GONE, but most Americans still haven't figured it out. President JFK tried to warn us about secret societies trying to overthrow our government, but they murdered Kennedy and not enough citizens cared or listened. Now we are paying for it! You haven't seen anything yet. There is a thug police state soon to rise in America that will rival fascist Germany in World War II.
The Jehovah's Witnesses are part of the New World Order's deception. They are helping to fulfil occultist Alice Bailey's plot to infiltrate the churches, maintaining the appearance of a church, but teachings the philosophies of the ancient mystery religions.