Refuting Dr. Kent Hovind On Repentance
by David J. Stewart | November 2016
Galatians 3:2, “This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?”
I admire Dr. Kent Hovind. I believe he was wrongly prosecuted over ridiculous charges, for which he spent 9 years rotting in prison in Florida. 1st Peter 3:14, “But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled.” Albeit, I am loyal to truth and not to preachers, no matter how much I may admire them. The subject of repentance affects salvation, and there is nothing more important than the Gospel, by which we are saved! So I must speak up!!!
The Holy Bible defines “repentance” for salvation as metanoia, a Greek noun meaning, “a change of mind.” The verb form is metanoeo, which means, “to think differently.” Dr. Kent Hovind errantly teaches that repentance requires a heart's desire not to sin anymore. This is the exact same heresy as taught cartoon Evangelist Jack Chick (1924-2016) in all his 800,000,000 Chick tracts. Being “willing to turn from sins” is NOT a requirement to receive the gift of eternal life. You get saved by BELIEVING the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ! The only requirement is to admit that you are a guilty sinner in God's eyes, that is, a needy sinner in God's sight. The crucified, buried and risen Savior meets that need.
I went to Dr. Hovind's official website, and clicked on “ARE YOU SAVED?,” which takes you to this page containing a YouTube video. Here's what Dr. Hovind says in that video:
“The Bible says you have to repent. The word 'repent' means 'to turn.' It actually means two things: to turn from your sin, and to turn to God. God's looking for a change in your attitude, where you say, 'Lord, I don't want to do wrong anymore. I'm sorry. I've offended you. I want to do right,' and you turn from sin and you turn to God, and you say, 'God will you please forgive me. Would you save me?'”
Kindly, Dr. Kent Hovind is teaching heresy to embellish the meaning of repentance to include a willingness to turn away from sinful behavior. Kent says you need to say to God, “LORD, I WANT TO DO RIGHT!” It may seem like a little thing, but that one inclusion tells a sinner that in order to be saved, they must be willing to clean up their life, reform and cease from sinful bad habits. Such unbiblical teaching ostracizes many people, who would have been saved, but weren't ready to give up their sinful bad habits. This is “ANOTHER GOSPEL,” not “the simplicity that is in Christ” (2nd Corinthians 11:3-4).
Dr. Kent Hovind's Contradictory Position On Repentance