By David J. Stewart |
April 2014
nowhere to run and hide! The United States is quickly becoming a total
government spy grid. The average person has no clue to what has
transpired over the past 10 years in America. Your cellphone calls are
being recorded. Your car has a GPS tracking chip that knows where you
are at all the time. If not the car, your cellphone has a tracking chip
that monitors you. In fact, it was reported in the mainstream newsmedia
a few years ago that the government could turn on your inactive
cellphone and listen to conversations going on IN YOUR HOME. Only by
removing the battery is your privacy truly safe.
It was also in the mainstream news that
east coast public schools had remotely activated the video cameras on
laptops lent to students, viewing and listening to the activities going
on IN THE STUDENT'S HOMES. Do you think this is all a big coincidence?
If so, you'd better think again! Americans are deliberately being
tracked, monitored and personal data is being stored in a new
hundred-million-dollar storage data collection center in Salt Lake City,
By the way, Salt Lake City is MORMON
COUNTRY! Mormons are the biggest Masonic religious organization on the
planet, and NOT to be trusted. Not surprisingly, many of the employees
working there to make SIN CITY Las Vegas happen every day are
sex-perverted MORMONS by belief and practice. What a perfect cover! And
they own the Marriott Hotel Chain as well, one of the biggest employers
of non-English speaking illegal immigrants in the U.S.
Your e-mails are being monitored, read and
stored online and archived in gigantic government sponsored data-mining
facilities. When I say government, I am referring to the criminal
faction which has hi-jacked our government, just like U.S. President
John F. Kennedy warned California college students publicly, only 10
days before his brutal globalist assassination. There is no evil like
the thugs behind the New World Order. They will commit unthinkable
crimes to get there way, in obedience to their god, Lucifer. It is
creepy hearing our nation's leaders crying out from Bohemian Grove for
Satan to grant them his counsels. And the devil does!
Been to a movie lately? None of us should,
but if you do, they try to sign you up online, so they can track you
everytime you go to a movie, what you watched, what you purchased at the
concessions stand, and how many movies per month you see. Increasingly,
everything that people do in America is being tracked. Babies will soon
be forced to receive a microchip under their skin. Credit Cards have
been tracking people for decades since the 1980's, monitoring and
recording where you shop, what you buy, how much of certain products
that you buy, donations and how much and where you gave them, and your
spending habits. The government knows how much money you have in the
bank, and how often to write checks, and where the money goes. If you
really think about it, it's pretty scary what the government knows about
all of us, and what they can do with that knowledge.
Most companies online, and all major
companies, place tracking cookies into your browser. You agreed to it in
your terms of service when you entered their website or signed up, and
it's not negotiable. for instance tracks everywhere that you
go on the internet. So if you've looked at guitars recently at or, expect to see advertisements
for guitars in your browser when you visit OTHER websites, because is tracking and monitoring you at ALL TIMES online!!!
CCTV Cameras So Powerful, They Can See What You’re Texting
Big Brother Street Lights (Intellistreets) Coming To Spy On
American Cities!
1984 is
major companies are doing this nowadays, claiming that they are only
trying to enrich your online experience; but in reality, the government
has lucrative contracts with these big corporations to spy on you and
store all that data about you, which portrays an absolutely unbelievably
accurate profile of who you are, how you think, your habits, what you
think, the type of personality you have, the kind of people that you mix
with, your beliefs and opinions and most of all, whether you are with
the globalists' New World Order or an enemy of the state that they must
If you think I'm being overly paranoid,
then you haven't been paying much attention to the news in recent years,
because we are losing our privacy, rights and liberties in the United
States to a fascist criminal takeover . . .
You’ve Heard that the
Government and Big Corporations Are Spying. But Do You Have ANY
IDEA How Widespread the Spying Really Is?
Posted on
June 19, 2013
Preface: Americans now know that the
government is spying. But they still have no idea how many of
their communications and activities are being surveilled … or
what might be done with that information.
Yes, the Government Is Spying
On You
You know that the government has been
caught spying on the Verizon phone calls of tens of
millions of Americans. The spying effort specifically
Americans living on U.S. soil.
And as NBC News
NBC News has learned that under the
post-9/11 Patriot Act, the government has been collecting
records on
every phone
call made in
the U.S.
This includes metadata … which can tell the
a lot about you. And it
also includes content.
In addition, a government expert told the
Washington Post that the government
“quite literally can watch your ideas form as you type.” A
top NSA executive confirmed to Washington’s Blog that the NSA
is intercepting and storing virtually
all digital communications on the Internet.
Private contractors can also view
all of your data … and the government
isn’t keeping track of which contractors see your data and
which don’t. And because
background checks regarding some contractors are falsified,
it is hard to know the types of people that might have your
And top NSA and FBI experts say that the
government can
retroactively search all of the collected information
on someone since 9/11 if they suspect someone of
wrongdoing … or
want to frame him.
The American government is in fact
collecting and storing virtually every
phone call, purchases, email, text message, internet searches,
social media communications,
health information, employment history, travel and student
records, and virtually all other information of every
The Wall Street Journal reported that the
NSA spies on Americans’
credit card transactions as well.
In fact, all U.S.
intelligence agencies – including the CIA and NSA –
are going to spy on Americans’ finances. The IRS will be
spying on Americans’
shopping records, travel, social interactions, health records
and files from other government investigators.
The government is
flying drones over the American homeland to
spy on us. Indeed, the
head of the FBI told Congress today that drones are used
for domestic surveillance … and that there are
no rules in place governing spying on Americans
with drones.
Senator Rand Paul
correctly notes:
The domestic use of drones to spy on
Americans clearly violates the Fourth Amendment and limits
our rights to personal privacy.
notes in a post entitled “The OTHER Assault on the Fourth
Amendment in the NDAA? Drones at Your Airport?”
Many police departments are also using
drones to spy on us. As the Hill
At least 13 state and local police
agencies around the country have used drones in the field or
in training, according to the Association for Unmanned
Vehicle Systems International, an industry trade group. The
Federal Aviation Administration has predicted that by the
end of the decade, 30,000 commercial and government drones
could be flying over U.S. skies.
“Drones should only be used if subject
to a powerful framework that regulates their use in order to
avoid abuse and invasions of privacy,” Chris Calabrese, a
legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union,
said during a congressional forum in Texas last month.
He argued police should only fly
drones over private property if they have a warrant,
information collected with drones should be promptly
destroyed when it’s no longer needed and domestic drones
should not carry any weapons.
He argued that drones pose a more
serious threat to privacy than helicopters because they are
cheaper to use and can hover in the sky for longer periods
of time.
A congressional report earlier this
year predicted that drones could soon be equipped with
technologies to identify faces or track people based on
their height, age, gender and skin color.
Moreover, Wired
Transit authorities in cities across
the country are quietly installing microphone-enabled
surveillance systems on public buses that would give them
the ability to record and store private conversations….
The systems are being installed in San
Francisco, Baltimore, and other cities with funding from the
Department of Homeland Security in some cases ….
The IP audio-video systems can be
accessed remotely via a built-in web server (.pdf), and
can be combined with GPS data to track the movement of buses
and passengers throughout the city.
The systems use cables or WiFi to
pair audio conversations with camera images in order
to produce synchronous recordings. Audio and video can be
monitored in real-time, but are also stored onboard
in blackbox-like devices, generally for 30 days, for later
retrieval. Four to six cameras with mics are generally
installed throughout a bus, including one near the driver
and one on the exterior of the bus.
Privacy and security expert Ashkan
Soltani told the Daily that the audio could easily be
coupled with facial recognition systems or audio recognition
technology to identify passengers caught on the recordings.
Street lights
that can spy installed in some American cities
America welcomes a new brand of smart
street lightning systems: energy-efficient, long-lasting,
complete with LED screens to show ads. They can also spy on
citizens in a way George Orwell would not have imagined in
his worst nightmare.
With a price tag of $3,000+ apiece,
according to an ABC report, the street lights are now being
rolled out in Detroit, Chicago and Pittsburgh, and may soon
mushroom all across the country.
Part of the Intellistreets systems
made by the company Illuminating Concepts, they have
a number of “homeland security applications” attached.
Each has a
microprocessor “essentially similar to an iPhone,” capable
wireless communication. Each can capture images and
count people for the police through a digital camera, record
conversations of passers-by and even give voice commands
thanks to a built-in speaker.
Ron Harwood, president and founder of
Illuminating Concepts, says he eyed the creation of such a
system after the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the Hurricane
Katrina disaster. He is “working with Homeland
Security” to deliver his dream of making people “more
informed and safer.”
Cell towers
track where your phone is at any moment, and the major
cell carriers, including Verizon and AT&T, responded to
at least 1.3 million law enforcement requests for cell
phone locations and other data in 2011. (And – given that your
routinely sends your location information back to Apple or
Google – it would be child’s play for the government to track
your location that way.) Your
iPhone, or
other brand of smartphone is spying on
virtually everything you do (ProPublica notes: “That’s
No Phone. That’s My Tracker“).
Fox news notes that the government is
insisting that “black boxes” be installed in cars to track
your location.
The TSA has moved way past airports, trains
and sports stadiums, and is
deploying mobile scanners to spy on people all over the
place. This means that traveling within the United States is
no longer a private affair.
You might also have seen the news this week
that the Department of Homeland Security is going to
continue to allow
searches of laptops and phones based upon “hunches”.
You WILL be persecuted and prosecuted in
the future if you don't go along to get along, evidence by Revelation
13:15 which says the False Prophet (second beast) will make an IMAGE of
the Antichrist (first beast) and demand worship of the IMAGE or be
killed by the IMAGE itself.
World Leaders Gather Around Creepy
Holographic Image Of New World Order Pyramid. YOU ARE BEING TRACKED
AMERICA! SO what can we do? Although eventually you won't be able to buy
or sell anything without receiving the Mark Of The Best, there are many
things that we can do to refuse to go along with the system. Here are a
few (some of these may seem ludicrous and overly cautious, but I'm just
trying to get you to think out of the box that most people are
comfortably becoming trapped in).
Surveillance Cameras Everywhere!!!
Please see:
OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War On Journalism!
| Part 2
| Part 3
| Part 4
| Part 5
| Part 6
(1 hr. 17 min. free video).
LIARS” is more appropriate than FOX
NEWS! Here's an eye-opening statement by Adolf
Hitler concerning the effectiveness of telling
"The great masses of the people... will more
easily fall victims to a big lie than to a
small one." —Adolf Hitler
I say, if the government wants to spy on you, and get you, THEY WILL.
There is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Don't believe all the
fearmongering hype, because no one can escape being caught if Big
Brother wants to come get you and all his Masonic buddies. Albeit, there
are many commonsense things that we can all do, and I think should do to
protect our privacy. I have folded paper taped over the video camera
that's built-in to my laptop, so it cannot be remotely activated. It was
in mainstream news in recent years that public schools activated student
laptops on loan and monitored their activities IN THE STUDENT'S HOMES.
the way, the reason why America's youth are under relentless moral
attack is because the Devil knows that youth without God means future
adults who are loyal servants of the Communist state. Biblical
Christianity teaches obedience to God, loyalty to country and honoring
one's parents; whereas, Communism indoctrinates youth to reject God,
despise their national sovereignty and betray their parents . . .
"The best revolutionary is a youth devoid of morals."
—Vladimir Lenin
There's nothing wrong in America that
couldn't be remedied by a generation of leather-lunged, uncompromising,
Bible-preaching, PREACHING PREACHERS, who know and walk with God! The
average person in the average church these days literally depends upon
radio ministers to keep them spiritual, which is one reason why America
is in such a big mess! Radio preachers depend upon MONEY to stay on the
radio, which is why they trim their messages, dip their sails in
ecumenical compromise and will NEVER yell and scream against the
awfulness of sin. SHAME ON THEM ALL!
don't worry about vehicle GPS tracking or credit card tracking, because
we cannot escape that (unless you pay cash). This is exactly what many
Christians will attempt to do in the foreseeable future, but the
cashless control grid will prevent them from doing so. Everyone will be
required to support the New World Order or be denied buying and selling
to survive. The Bible teaches that the New World Order images we are
seeing today; namely, The Great Pyramid and the All Seeing Eye
will eventually be linked to the Antichrist, showing loyalty toward him
and worship. Already, the masses of this world are worshipping these
powerful occult symbols.
Government Spies On Innocent People Via Webcams, Laptops, Xbox
Christians will refuse to have any part in this diabolical system of the
coming Antichrist, and will be denied food and essentials required to
survive. There will no doubt be a large underground subculture in
America's future, much like in umpteen Hollywood movies, including
Beneath The Planet Of The Apes (1970) and Demolition Man
(1993). These will certainly be the conditions after a nuclear war
breaks out. I believe there will be a nuclear war, but it will not
annihilate mankind, just causes hundreds-of-million of deaths, agonizing
pain and horrible loss. We know, assuredly, that God is still in control
of the nations, and God alone decides the timetables and events of the
future in accordance with Biblical prophecy. We are on the winning side
in Christ Jesus!!!
Satan's Counterfeit Israel,
Antichrist & World Rule
“It is the nature of all governments to expand their
power. Since power leads to
corruption, governments eventually become crime
—Professor G. Edward Griffin
(a needful sermon by Pastor Steven L.
Anderson |
(incredibly shocking
evidence by radio host Alex Jones)
TERRORSTORM delivers a powerful sucker
punch to the architects of global terrorism and how they stage false-flag
events to achieve political and sociological ends. Alex journeys from the
depths of history from the Gulf of Tonkin, the USS Liberty and Gladio
through to the Madrid and 7/7 London bombings and robustly catalogues the
real story behind the government induced fable. This film contains viable
solutions on how we can reclaim human dignity and freedom and prevent the
global population from becoming the slaves of a prison planet. "A state of
war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny."

Friend—Alex Jones!
911:The Road To Tyranny!