911—The Road to Tyranny!
by David J. Stewart


(Note: The preceding video titled, “911: The Road To Tyranny,” by Alex Jones is being censored from YouTube. If this
link goes dead, please search the internet under the same titled for new uploads. You've got to see this documentary!)

"This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long - We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." David Rockefeller, speaking at the UN, Sept. 14, 1994.

9/11 Firefighter Blows World Trade Center 7 Cover-Up Wide Open
(says 9/11 a “false flag operation.”
Infowars reporter Lee Ann McAdoo talks to Rudy Dent, a 32 year veteran of NYC fire department and the NYPD, about his incredible first hand experience of the lies surrounding WTC 7. MP3)

"The great masses of the people... will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one." —Adolf Hitler

THE TRUTH & LIES OF 911 (2 Hr. 17 Min. Free Video)

Bombs in the Building! | ENDGAME!


911 Archives | 911 Videos

Total Proof That Bombs Were Planted In The Buildings! (YouTube Video)

The BEST place to hide a LIE is between two TRUTHS!

32 Year Veteran of NYC Fire department Says 911 a False Flag Operation!!! (MP3)
(343 NYC fire fighters murdered on 911 by the Illuminati)

Thank God for good men like 32 year NYC veteran Firefighter, Rudy Dent, who still have the courage to tell the truth...

“The public is mesmerized by the mainstream media. And let me give you my opinion of the mainstream media. The mainstream media, their mission, is to act as the most effective weapon of mass deception and public manipulation the world has ever seen. And if you don't think that's so, ask anyone any taboo question that the mainstream media frowns upon with its army of trusted celebrity presstitutes. Alright, and you will see a sadly predictable knee-jerk reactionary response from the public, because that's what they've been trained to believe and trust in.”

SOURCE: Retired firefighter Rudy Dent, a 32 veteran of the NYC fire department and the NYPD)

Islam didn't cause 911 in ANY WAY! If your pastor is continually praising the Jews, and criticizing the Arabs, then find another church where at least the pastor knows what he's talking about. If you'd like to know the truth, here's an awesome MP3 explanation (56 minutes) of Israel's dark history and how they became 'THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS' in Revelation 17 and 18 (learn about the unholy alliance between Christianity and Zionism). Nearly all Jews, like Arabs, have rejected Jesus Christ. God told Jeremiah not to pray anything good concerning Israel, because of their wickedness (Jeremiah 14:11). The same is true today. This includes America as well.

9/11 Firefighter Blows World Trade Center 7 Cover-Up Wide Open
(says 9/11 a “false flag operation.” Infowars reporter Lee Ann McAdoo talks to Rudy Dent, a 32 year veteran of NYC fire department and the NYPD, about his incredible first hand experience of the lies surrounding WTC 7. MP3)

“I can think of no faster way to unite the American people behind George W. Bush than a terrorist attack on an American target overseas. And I believe George W. Bush will quickly unite the American people through his foreign policy.” —Henry Kissinger, appearing on CNBC, 13th Dec 2000

(Genesis 4:10, “thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.”)

9/11 Victim's Families Hate The So-called “Truth Movement”!

The Truth About 911 Is Being Censored!

“We'll know that our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is FALSE.”

SOURCE: William Casey, CIA Director (Quote - 1981 internal staff meeting notes).

The truth is being censored. Someone has deleted my entire 911 section on multiple occasions. My web hosting company denies any involvement, which means that someone is successfully hacking into my account and attacking my work. My 911 webpages have been blocked on YouTube. Lying Garbage like this keeps the woefully ignorant public woefully ignorant. Clearly, the Globalist criminals behind the 911 attacks staged 911 as a pretext to eliminate American liberties, establish Homeland Security to set up a militarized police state and bring to fruition their Godless, Global, Communist, Totalitarian, New World Order.

“The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion”
—Edmund Burke

Satan's Counterfeit Israel, Antichrist And World Rule
(don't buy into the Devil's counterfeits)

Watch The Damning Evidence Yourself!

Updated July 15, 2015 - 2,353 architectural and engineering professionals and 20,288 other supporters including A&E students have signed the petition demanding of Congress a truly independent investigation. ...

Who Was Really Behind The 9/11 Attacks? (hardcore evidence against Bush & accomplices)

Zero: An Investigation Into 9/11 (a 1:44 hour full documentary; 9/11 was an INSIDE JOB!!!)

1000+ Architects & Engineers officially demand new 9/11 investigation
& Engineers — Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 — AE911Truth.org

“Ignorance may be bliss, but it certainly is not freedom, except in the minds of those who prefer darkness to light, and chains to liberty.” —Robert Hugh Benson, Intellectual Slavery

“We have allowed our nation to be over taxed and over regulated and overrun by bureaucrats, the founders would be ashamed of us for what we're putting up with.” —Dr. Ron Paul

The Honorable Ron Paul for President
(read Dr. Paul's writings | Campaign For Liberty)

Best Video Exposing 9/11 Truth

Though some people believe the 911 terrorist attacks were God's judgment upon America, I think not. Is God judging you if you leave your bicycle unattended and someone steals it? No, you were foolish to leave your bike vulnerable. Likewise, we have become complacent in America. We blindly trust our leaders. We don't question the answers they provide to us, which are mostly lies and misinformation from the newsmedia. They are not held accountable.

God gave us freedom but we must fight to keep it! God has blessed America in the past but things are deteriorating quickly. A Police State is forming. Even some of our own elected leaders, such as the honorable Ron Paul, are trying to warn us of what's coming. Wake up! As Christians and Patriots, we all need to know what is going on in our nation and the world. We all need to Wake Up!!!

Isaiah 59:14, "And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter."

Have You Believed A Lie?

       Whoever controls the media controls the mind. Commercial airliners don't disappear after they crash. The Pentagon bombing was Inside Job all day long. the official report is so preposterous, only an imbecile would believe it is true. Only in America folks would this be believed because their government told them so. Wake up folks! Former President George W. Bush should and his father will rot in Hell. We know the REAL truth about the 9/11 World trade Center and pentagon bombings! They got caught red-handed, like the false flag Sandy Hook attack, but the power of the ungodly newsmedia is so great they they got away with the crimes! The Pentagon crash on 9/11 was needed to destroy the traces of where the $2.3 trillions dollars vanished. All of the evidence was destroyed that day in the Pentagon! That in itself speaks volumes as to the truth! The entire 9/11story here is a fairy tale. All of the WTC buildings in New York were obviously imploded by demolition, and likely the Pentagon as well (or a missile).

It is scary that most Americans would rather bury their heads in the sand like an ostrich, than to question the bogus "official story" of what happened on 9/11. What is even scarier is how most people who do ask the tough questions and demand answers (whistleblowers, firefighters, law enforcement officers, architects/engineers and concerned citizens et cetera) are horribly mistreated by the herds of dumbed-down Sheeple. Can't you all see that our liberties are under attack?; not by Al Qaeda, Isis or any other boogeyman, but by the lies being forced down our throats on a daily basis by CNN, Fox News and other media. We have all been betrayed by our government, and it is our own fault for being so foolish to question the answers provided to us. It's not the unanswered questions that bother me, it's the unquestioned answers! This war on terror will never end! If you think it will end with Isis you need to wake up! Land of the free? Not by a long shot! In a Democracy, people get the government they deserve!

If you question anything, why are there people that immediately think that you're crazy. What's truly crazy is not questioning Everything around us! Even with half of America knowing this was a hoax... Nothing happens. Sheeple don't like reality encroaching on their adopted Cheney Fairytale. Sheeple don't like reality encroaching on their adopted Cheney Fairytale. Someday our slime ball government will pay for their actions. People are waking up, but no one has any power to do anything about it! Only as a united effort can Americans make a difference, and the government would never allow that type of resistance to organize, so we are doomed. There is only one solution, and that is God. The Word of God promises in 2nd Chronicles 7:14-15 that if God's people (Christians) will humble themselves, pray, seek the Lord's face, and turn from their wicked ways, only then will God hear their prayers and "HEAL THEIR LAND." If you think that God only honors repentance from Jews, but not Gentiles, then you don't know God's Word very well. Whether it be a nation, a church or an individual, God always honors repentance! Sin undermines any nation! END

“Terrorism is the best political weapon, for nothing
drives people harder than a fear of sudden death.”
Adolf Hitler

I have always been a patriotic American and always will be, but the truth remains that Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). We should pray for our country's leaders as 1st Timothy 2:1-2 commands us to do, but this does not mean blindly supporting them. Deceivers like Bill O'Reilly at FOX NEWS have labeled anyone who vocally disagrees with The White House as being "unpatriotic." That's just plain old, rotten, dirty, media irresponsibility. What ever happened to the First Amendment, you know, the freedom of speech, religion, press, the right to assemble and petition our government? Bill O'Reilly is a disgrace to his profession for expecting Americans to support the high crimes being committed in Washington D.C.

While people sit home across America in front of their TV, deliberately being shown reality videos of their fellow citizens committing crimes to nurture distrust in society; television producers won't dare expose the hideous crimes being committed by high-ranking leaders—trillions of stolen taxpayer dollars, convicted government thieves (like Phillip Winn) being pardoned, the Communist administrative 4th branch of government, the treasonous crimes of allowing U.S. borders to remain open and refusing to prosecute illegals, the illegal war in Iraq, and on and on. There is much garbage being shown on TV today that is causing Americans not to trust anyone anymore. This is deliberate as part of the ongoing attack against the American family. We are living in a sicko society today, who love to watch sicko TV shows, praise sicko celebrities, and vote for sicko politicians like Obama who supports infanticide.

Isaiah 59:7-9, “Their feet run to evil, and they make hast to shed innocent blood: their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths. The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace. Therefore is judgment far from us, neither doth justice overtake us: we wait for light, but behold obscurity; for brightness, but we walk in darkness.”

It took the deaths of millions of people to secure our freedoms in America, but it only
took the death of 2,752
1 people on 911 to surrender our rights to the New World Order.

Words of wisdom by Professor G. Edward Griffin

America is fast changing, moving farther away from the Christian values upon which it was established. It is difficult for the average person to form an accurate opinion concerning the government because we only receive a limited amount of information. Much of the news we receive is deliberate misinformation. Jude 1:1-8 warns against speaking evil of things we don't understand. However, we DO understand quite a bit about what's going on in this nation, and we want ANSWERS! We are not anarchists, but we will defend our God-given Constitutional freedoms to the death if need be.

Much evil is happening in our own government. The staggering evidence has been thoroughly documented! At a MINIMUM, we have a right as citizens of the United States to know what's going on within OUR government. The U.S. government does everything it does IN OUR NAME and WITH OUR MONEY and with OUR children in the military. It is OUR COUNTRY, not theirs to do as they please!

  • How do 2 planes bring down 3 buildings?
  • Why did those 3 buildings fall at the rate of gravity?
  • Why are truth tellers be shunned and ridiculed?

Here's some videos to get a crash course on the New World Order and its criminal perpetrators...
(Please note: YouTube is censoring videos faster than I can keep up with the dead links. The Illuminati (globalists) don't want you to know the truth, so they censor it. If any of these video links go dead, simply copy/paste the title on the internet or YouTube to find a new upload).

I LOVE MY COUNTRY, but I fear the government leaders which I am praying for (and financially supporting). I am NOT anti-government, but I am a concerned citizen. When a man gets 50 years in prison for shoplifting, yet a murderer only get 3 years—something is very wrong! When children are forced against their own will (and the parent's will) to take unnecessary dangerous drugs—something is very wrong! When states are resorting to gambling casinos and lotteries to make ends meet—something is very wrong! America is falling apart. We get what we deserve!

Truth surely is stranger than fiction. How can President Bush say, “we are a nation that values life” when well over 55,000,000 babies have been destroyed with the government's blessing over the past four decades through abortion. One has to wonder how far God will allow this mess to go. Sadly, America has become so complacent and apathetic that most people really don't care about truth anymore. If you want to know the truth, look at the information below. If you want to play dumb and live in denial, do nothing. I choose to know THE TRUTH, and to do something about it. Freedom is NOT free!!!

CNN Reported No Plane Hit Pentagon

CNN Reported No Plane Hit Pentagon!

ILLUMINAZI (1:36 hour shocking full-length documentary by J. Anthony Hilder)

Islam Was NOT Behind 911

Flight 93 Shot Down!

Official 911 Story



Firefighters Blast Giuliani

The truth can be dealt with, but a lie cannot!

Thank God for Alex Jones!

911—The Road To Tyranny

Watch Full Length 2:23 Hour Video, THE TRUTH AND LIES OF 911

911 Memorial Features Occult Eye of Horus

The criminal Global Elite (often called the “Illuminati”) love to mock their victims, showing just how naive and controllable humanity is. They are the super rich power elite who desire to create a slave society. Umpteen books have been written exposing the international banking cartel.

The TRUTH is the TRUTH, even if no one believes it; and a LIE is a LIE, even if everyone believes it!

As a blatant telltale sign that 911 was an inside job, the New World Order gang has left their mark at the scene of the crime. This is unbelievable! Truth is surely stranger than fiction. Just as the creepy Masonic pyramid and Eye of Horus appear on the back of every U.S. $1 bill, so also do we see the occult Eye of Horus now displayed at ground zero where the 911 attacks happened. It's their way of saying, “In your face America!” It's all part of a grand deception to divide and conquer humanity. Read, THE BIG PICTURE.

The truly shocking part of all this is the woeful ignorance of most Christians, who have bought into Satan's lie, still believing several years later that Islam was to blame for the 911 attacks. In the tract “Who Cares?,” religious artist Jack Chick blames Muslims for the 911 attacks. Nothing could be further from the truth. Although Saudi Arabian friends of the Bush family were deeply involved in the 911 attacks, it was the New World Order gang that pulled off 911, not Islam fanatics. George Bush's younger brother, Marvin Bush, was on the board of directors of the electronic security company which oversaw the Trade Towers in the 2-years leading up to the 911 attacks. 911 was an inside job! Wake up!!!

(shocking truths about the 911 WTC attacks)

“The undermining power of sin is always the cause of decay and deterioration in earthly kingdoms.” Oliver B. Greene

911 the Road to Tyranny

Infowars.com | PrisonPlanet.com | COPvCIA.com | whatreallyhappened.com

God Bless America??? | Which god Will Bless America? (the new ecumenism)

Scary 2 hour Real Audio (Video) — form your own conclusions!

Was 9-11 the Beginning of World War III?

911? (someone's got a lot of explaining to do!)


The Murder of Former FBI Deputy Director John O' Neill

"Most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudi Arabian. The Saudi ruling family has been a major source of funding for terrorists. Both the Clinton and Bush administration impeded FBI investigations into Saudi Arabia. No President has ever had such a close relation with a foreign government as the Bushes have with Saudi Arabia. More than $1.4 billion in investments and contracts went from the House of Saud over the past two decades to companies associated with the Bush family.

As John O'Neill, the FBI's former top bin Laden investigator, said shortly before his death in the World Trade Center, "all the answers, everything needed to dismantle Osama bin Laden's organization can be found in Saudi Arabia." O'Neill also said that America's failure to stop bin Laden could be traced to one word - oil." -SOURCE

Photo to left: The Honorable former FBI Deputy Director John O' Neill

It was because of treasonous acts by officials in Washington that the Honorable John O' Neill resigned his position as FBI Deputy Director. He refused to be a part of what he saw coming to fruition; but, he didn't know exactly what it was. When George W. Bush signed Presidential Directive Order w199-eye blocking the FBI from investigating the suspect terrorists, Mr. O'Neill wanted to wash his hands of the matter.

His “buddies” in Washington pulled some strings and got him a sweet job (so he thought) as Security Director of the Trade Towers in New York. Guess the date of Mr. O'Neill's first day on the new job? It was September 09, 2001... 911!!! As planned, John O'Neill was killed (murdered) in the 911 attacks.

John O'Neill was murdered because he was an honest man, a threat to the thugs who had him assassinated. Yet, you'll never hear about this on FOX News! The news media purposely slapped the Bush Administration's hand on smaller issues, such as open borders; while the big crimes were never mentioned. It's called “controlled opposition.” Fox News criticizes The White House over previously approved issues; while avoiding the hot potato issues; such as the criminal Federal Reserve bankers who have looted $23,700,000,000,000 just in 2009-1020 from U.S. taxpayers! What a bunch of criminals!

The Global Elite created Nazism and Communism as tools by which to conquer and achieve world domination. What they failed to accomplish through World Wars I and II, they have accomplish by stealth through international trade agreements, treason, and massive corruption. Open borders are the least of our problems in America compared to the crimes being committed by Washington D.C. officials. I speak as a concerned U.S. citizen, as a taxpayer, and as a genuine God-fearing, Christ-honoring, caring, Christian.

The Truth In Plain View

I'd like to share a little bit with you, and believe me... it is just a little bit. There's much evil we don't know about that's going on within our own government.

I hope my words will spark enough interest in your heart for you to begin a study on your own. You will be angered, saddened and feel a sense of betrayal by your own government as you learn the shocking truth.

First, you must know that the newsmedia has been lying to the American people for decades now, admittedly.

You must also understand that when I say “government” I am referring to Communist, Marxist. Zionist criminal infiltrators who have hijacked control over the federal government (just as they have the nation of Israel). Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney tried to warn us, As did U.S. President John F. Kennedy 10 days before his murder.

From watching Alex Jones' numerous documentaries (see ENDGAME for a crash course on the New World Order); from all of the FACTUAL evidence; it is clear that members of our own government (including George W. Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, and Dick Cheney in The White House; and New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani) were instrumental in orchestrating the 911 attacks against the American people. Everyone one of these leaders have been caught in lie after lie after lie. It's OUR nation! Our nation's leaders do what they do in OUR name, and with OUR money, and with OUR children in the military; hence, it is OUR business. God hates a lying tongue (Proverb 6:16-17).

Proverb 6:16-19, “These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.”

These people are such liars (WARNING: The following video contains cursing and angry U.S. citizens. If you can watch this video, hearing all the lies from Washington leaders, and not feel angry, then you have a problem with your heart and God. I do NOT support revolt, but I fully understand people's anger from all the lies, treason and evil crimes which have been committed against the American people. If you're a total idiot, then don't watch this factual video because you won't learn anything...

WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld etc. - THE ULTIMATE CLIP

I don't support punks, nor do I agree with making fun of any government leader. We ought to pray for our leaders as the Bible teaches (1st Timothy 2:1-2). Americans haven't prayed for their leaders, nor have they obeyed God, and so our nation is falling apart. However, this does not justify government lying, fraud, oppression, nor tyranny against it's citizens. Standing up to tyrants is obedience to God (Daniel 3:18; Acts 5:29).

President George W. Bush Jokes About Not Finding WMDs in Iraq

Romans 13:1 in the King James Bible (KJB) teaches to submit to the “higher powers,” not the “governing authorities” as the New International Version (NIV) perversion says. The U.S. Constitution and our Bill of Rights (the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution) are a higher power than the U.S. federal government. And for that matter, God is the highest power (Ecclesiastes 5:8). The federal government has already recruited 26,000 pastors to join Clergy Response Teams to quell any national uprising. Do you know why? It's because a Police State is rising up around us, and our economy is going to implode!

Let me ask you a question: How do 2 planes bring down 3 buildings? It's impossible! WTC Building # 7 imploded and fell to the ground in 6.5 seconds. No fire caused that! In fact, the lying newsmedia reported that the building had fallen 20-minutes before it even fell. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

Most of the evidence is solid concrete; not mere circumstantial evidence. Look at the facts. Architects and structural engineers from around the world have stated that it is impossible for two skyscrapers to simply crumble to the ground from a plane crash and fire. Think about it. Has any fire ever caused a skyscraper to lean or crumble even a little bit?

Furthermore, www.wtc7.net shows actual news footage of Trade Tower Building # 7 (WTC 7) imploding to the ground as well on the afternoon of 911. No plane ever struck WTC 7!!! The building was blown to the ground with explosives according to the owner of the building. Why was this building destroyed?

The investigations into 911 have been blocked repeatedly by the office of the President and top leaders working under him. The Bin Laden family has strong business ties with the Bush family spanning back decades. Firefighters at the scene on 911 have signed sworn affidavits that they heard multiple explosions going off at the time the buildings started to fall. Top Pentagon officials and leaders were warned the day before not to fly on 911. Israeli and French intelligence sources had warned the U.S. government prior to 911 that an attack would occur, but no one listened.

Many families and friends of the victims on 911 believe the government masterminded and carried out 911, some loved ones have even sued the president and his administration. Other victim's families have been paid generously to remain silent.

Folks, there is A LOT to all this. I haven't even got to the drugs in Afghanistan. Our troops are being exploited as paid heroine (opium) farmers. The Russian government has appealed to NATO for destruction of the opium crops in Afghanistan, because of the massive heroine-addict problems in Russia today. NATO refused. Afghanistan produces 90% of the world's heroine supply.

You really need to learn about all these different things before you can start to form a big picture of what is really going on. The U.S. had troops already situated on the Afghan border before 911 even happened. Our military was already in place and ready to invade Afghanistan. Afghanistan produces a half-trillion dollars (heroine value) of opium every year. While children are starving of malnutrition in Afghanistan today, the U.S. government protects hundreds-of-billions of dollars in heroin producing opium. Like everything else, follow the money. It's so wicked in the sight of God.

Why 911? For many reasons. Who stood to gain? Halliburton (of whom Dick Cheney was the former CEO) received a NO BID contract for 8 billion dollars in Iraq. The Patriot Acts (I and II) were passed, stripping American citizens away of their Bill of Rights. Now TSA are sticking their hands down into our pants at the airports.

Iraq lost control of their oil. There's trillions-of-dollars worth of oil in Iraq. Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Federal Reserve for 19-years, said the Iraqi war is mostly about oil. Between the drugs from Afghanistan and the oil in Iraq, someone is going to have the power to conquer the world. Come to think of it, they've also got trillions of dollars missing from the Pentagon Department. Wall Street bankers have looted $23,700,000,000,000 from U.S. taxpayers in the form of national debt just in 2009-2010. Wow, talk about thieves!

How about the New World Order that George H. Bush mentioned while president? The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the headquarters for the New World Order. Their members have a “global vision” that disregards American sovereignty, family values, the U.S. Constitution, our Bill of Rights, the Bible, and everything else we hold dear... especially freedom itself. The super rich, global, power elite want to enslave humanity. They want to rule the world through the United Nations (UN).

By the way, it was the CFR which created the United Nations; first the League of Nations after World War I and then the United Nations after World War II. The stage for the coming Antichrist is being set folks, and the New World Order gang are exploiting the American people to accomplish it. This also explains why we are witnessing the deliberate moral attack against American families. “ ”

There are literally hundreds of pieces of evidence incriminating the U.S. government's involvement in 911. When I say “government,” I am referring to the very top (The White House administration, top CIA and FBI leaders). The evils in America's government are kept well-guarded and secret from even other members of government. The members of congress have little say in what goes on at the highest levels of government. Those who take a courageous stand end up railroaded like Ohio Rep. James Traficant Jr.

If anyone decides to stand for justice, they simply end up being politically assassinated (or literally like President John F. Kennedy). Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney was the first to call for an investigation into President George W. Bush's prior knowledge to 911. She also called for an investigation into the theft of the 2000 presidential election by the Bush family, and other evil powers that be. The Supreme Court puppets ruled... BUSH WINS!

McKinney was lynched politically and removed from office. Thankfully, she fought her way back into office. Of the 525 members of congress, very few are willing to speak out. Rep. Ron Paul is outspoken, but is careful not to step over certain lines. I greatly admire leaders such as congressman Ron Paul of Texas and Cynthia McKinney of Georgia who are courageous enough to speak out against the evils in our government. And there are many others. Unfortunately, Congress has lost their power to change anything anymore. They're all either afraid, ignored, or politically blackballed by the corrupt mainstream newsmedia.

The greatest conspiracy of all is that 19 Muslim hijackers allegedly trained to fly planes in Florida, and then somehow took over 2 loaded airliners, mastermind by a bearded nutcase from a cave in Afghanistan with a laptop, and then caused 3 buildings to totally collapse in just seconds. If you believe that, then you'll believe anything. I'll tell you what you do. Check and see how many times the so-called “conspiracy theorists” have been proven right, and then check and see how many times the government has been found to be lying. Come on people, wake up and start thinking for yourselves!

All recent presidents and Supreme Court judges are merely puppets chosen by the higher powers. Do you think it is a mere coincidence that Presidential candidates George W. Bush AND John Kerry are BOTH Skull and Bones members? The group is officially called, The Order of Death, a Satanic cult which purportedly involves lying naked in a coffin and committing acts of homosexuality during one's initiation (and it gets a lot more bizarre). Our government has been hijacked by the New World Order gang. They are determined to destroy America and build a Godless Global Totalitarian Communist Police State... 911 was only the beginning.

911... The Woeful Fraud And Cover-up!

This War on Terrorism is Bogus | Insider Trading before Sept. 11 attacks

Bush Revealed | Bush Family Exposed | Bush Sued For 911

Firefighters Hear Explosions on 911 | Why Did President Bush Just Sit There?

Former Bush Cabinet Member Says Government Complicit In 9/11

Former German Defense Minister Confirms CIA Involvement in 9/11

Why Did WTC Skyscrapers Collapse? | Cheney Told NORAD To Stand-down On 911

War Games Were Cover for the Operational Execution of 9/11

Cynthia McKinney Grills Rumsfeld (Real Audio video) about DynCorp's sex slaves, missing trillions of dollars, and 911 Wargames

The controlled implosion of WTC 7 | W199-Eye

9/11 THE FALLING MAN (Genesis 4:10, “thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.”

200 People Jumped to Their Death On 911 (forced to jump to escape the 500 degree air)

The Criminals Behind The 911 Attacks Are Not Forgotten (Amen for Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

911 Coincides, Yeah Right?
(2:30 Hour shocking video by Producer John Watkins)

Al Qaeda is a Fraud!


Every Crime is Terrorism in the new America!

America's Government Is Hated By The World Today
(by Lew Rockwell on Alex Jones)

America's love for sin has caused the blessings of God to depart. To the same degree that America continues to indulge in wickedness, to that same extent a police state is rising up around us, robbing our liberties.

In July of 2011 same-sex marriage was made legal in New York state. Gays nationwide are flocking to New York to get married. In January of 2012 Conan O'Brien performed the first Late Night Jewish same-sex marriage on national television in New York.

Sexual perversion is so bad that Time Warner has produced shameful recent shows like DANCE MOMS and GCB (Good Christian Bitches). God will not bless that blatant wickedness and hatred against Christians.

Daniel Broke The Law!

Couple Fined $300 for Having Bible Study in Home Without Permit (Communist U.S.A.!)


Shocking Videos Reveal Truth & Lies Of 911 . . .


TerrorStorm Deluxe High Quality (Alex Jones):

9/11 Symposium: Professor Steven Jones:

Improbable Collapse : The Demolition of our Republic:

911 Eyewitness:

911: In Plane Site - The Directors Cut:

Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut:

Alex Jones Police State 2000 Martial Law Posse Comitatus:

Police State 2: The Takeover by Alex Jones:

Police State III: Total Enslavement:

The Order of Death (Alex Jones):

DURATION: 2 MIN -- 1993 WTC bombing - FBI Foreknowledge+Involvement on the news: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5F1Y6cGRXEs

More 911 Links . . .


Alex Jones radio Show: http://www.nfowars.net:443/stream1.pls
Alex Jones radio Show Podcast: http://xml.nfowars.net/Alex.rss

Scholars for 9/11 Truth: http://st911.org/

We are change: http://wearechange.org/  

DURATION: 10 MIN - The 9/11 Documentary you cannot debunk:

Pentagon proposed pretexts for Cuba invasion in 1962 -- declassified document from the National Security Archive's website:



"Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because most people don't want to admit they don't have the courage to do anything about it. Most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all" -Michael Rivero

THE TRUTH & LIES OF 911 (a 2:17 hour free video by former LAPD narcotics detective, Mike Ruppert, who exposes the CIA drug trade into the U.S. and the true agenda behind the 911 attacks. Please watch this!)

Isaiah 59:4, "None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity." ...

Isaiah 59:7-9, "Their feet run to evil, and they make hast to shed innocent blood: their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths. The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace. Therefore is judgment far from us, neither doth justice overtake us: we wait for light, but behold obscurity; for brightness, but we walk in darkness." ...

Isaiah 59:14, "And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter." —King James Bible

The Grand Deception (by Dr. G. Edward Griffin)

NDAA Indefinite Detention for U.S. Citizens!

Alqaeda: The Forever Elusive Enemy

"Evil triumphs when good men do nothing." Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

Ye Must Be Born Again!

You Need HIS Righteousness!

Believe The Gospel