The Hyles Church Manual

by Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001)

(Chapter 02 from Dr. Hyle's excellent book, The Hyles Church Manual)

2. A Business Meeting

(Wednesday, May 18, 1967-9:00 p.m.)

A brief business meeting is conducted monthly at the conclusion of the Wednesday evening Bible study. This is usually the third Wednesday of each month.

PASTOR HYLES: Tonight we have a business meeting. We have plenty of time so you can get out on time.

We will now have the reading of minutes.

Reading of the Minutes

CHURCH CLERK: “The April business meeting was called to order and opened with prayer by Pastor Hyles on Wednesday, April 19, 1967, at 9:00 p.m. The minutes of the regular meeting held on March 15, 1967 were read and approved. A list of 191 names was read by Pastor Hyles for church membership-169 by baptism, 17 by Christian experience, and 5 by transfer of letter. A motion was made by Dave Gifford and seconded by Dave Sharp that these applicants be received into our membership. The motion carried.

“On adoption of a motion by Bob Lial and seconded by Doug Hiles fifteen people were voted out of the membership-13 by transfer of letter and 2 were dropped by request.

“The board of deacons presented the following recommendations for the church approval:

1. That the church approve the same officers as last year for the new church year,

May 1 through April 30, 1968, as follows: Church treasurer, Glen Smith; Assistant

Treasurer, Cliff Anglen; Church Clerk, L. J. Parr; and Assistant Clerk, Don Krueger. A motion was made by Ken Cunningham and seconded by Blanford Duff that this be approved. The motion carried.

2. That the church approve having steel guards installed on ten doors and six first-floor windows along the alley on all buildings except the Annex at the cost of $481.00, the money to come from the surplus fund. A motion was made by L. J. Parr and seconded by John Olsen, Sr., that this recommendation be approved. The motion carried.

3. That the church approve purchasing addressograph plates for the Beginner Department at the cost of $50.00, the money to come from the surplus fund. A motion was made by L. J. Parr and seconded by Jim Sprague that this be approved.

The motion carried.

4. That the church grant a license to preach to Clarence Goren. A motion was made by L. J. Parr and seconded by Ed Rausch that this be approved. This motion also carried.

5. That the church approve leasing a new ‘First Baptist Church’ sign from the Ad Craft Sign Company at the cost of $600.00 down and $80.00 per month for five years to be installed on the corner nearest sidewalk approximately ten feet south of the red block wall and half way from the corner to the west wall of the auditorium. A motion was made by L. J. Parr and seconded by Walter Mitziga that this be approved. The motion carried.

6. That the church approve having the rear wall of the new Educational Building waterproofed with two coats of paint by the same contractor who did the new auditorium, at a cost of $750.00, the money to come from the surplus fund. A motion was made by L. J. Parr and seconded by Ray Boardway that this be approved. The motion carried.

7. That the church approve spending an estimated $200.00 from the surplus fund to have the present church sign repaired. A motion was made by L. J. Parr and seconded by Vic Nischik that this be approved. The motion carried.

8. That the church approve transferring $1,000 from budget item #59 to budget item #14 to increase the salary of custodian Mr. Sullivan, who will have increased responsibility with the completion of the new Educational Building, and this money to be replaced at the end of the year if the surplus fund so warrants. A motion was made by L. J. Parr and seconded by Earl Dukes that this recommendation be approved. The motion carried.

9. That the church approve tazing the apartment building to the east of the office building and the Knights of Christ building with the consent of Mr. Inkley, who holds the title to this building. A motion was made by L. J. Parr and seconded by Lewis Shoaf that this recommendation be approved. The motion carried.

10. That the church approve giving the bleachers in the Junior II Department of the Annex to the Bill Rice Ranch when this building is remodeled, following the completion of our new building. A motion was made by L. J. Parr and seconded by George Huisenga that this recommendation be approved. The motion carried. 

“The meeting adjourned with prayer by Pastor Hyles at 9:20 p.m.”

PASTOR: Thank you. You have heard the reading of the minutes. Are there any corrections or additions? If not, they will stand approved as read.

Voting in of New Members and Granting of Letters of Transfer

PASTOR: We have these requests for transfers. (Eleven names were read for transfer.)

Do I hear a motion that we grant these as requested? (Mr. Dunsworth raised his hand.)

Brother Dunsworth makes the motion. Is there a second? (Mr. Shoaf raised his hand.)

Brother Shoaf seconds it. Any discussion? If not, if you are in favor say “Aya”

Congregation: “Aya”

Pastor: If you oppose, “no” It is carried.

Recommendations From the Deacons

Pastor: We have three recommendations from the deacons tonight.

I think I should make this observation and explanation. I announced Sunday night that we had a life-changing decision to make tonight. That life-changing decision has been changed. We thought that we were going to buy the Wulf’s Cleaners across the street but the matter has been postponed indefinitely, and we are not going to do it as of now.

All right, let us have the deacons’ recommendations.

CHURCH CLERK: The board of deacons recommends that the church approves purchasing folding doors for the second floor of the present educational building assembly room for the additional classroom space. The cost will be $200.00 and the money will come from the surplus fund. Brother Pastor, I move that this recommendation be approved.

PASTOR: Is there a second to the motion? (Mr. Cunningham’s hand was raised)

Brother Cunningham seconds it.

This is what it amount to: We have divided the rooms 200 and 300 of the present educational building (Miller Hall, as we call it) into classrooms, and we need one more folding door in room 200. The deacons are recommending that we buy this door and take the money from the surplus fund. Are there any questions or discussion? All in favor say, “Aya.”


PASTOR: Opposed, “no.” It is carried.

CHURCH CLERK: The board of deacons recommends that the church grant a license to preach to Walter Ruskowski. Pastor, I move that this recommendation also be approved.

PASTOR: Is there a second to the motion? Okay, we have forty “seconds” to this motion. I saw Brother Duff here. He seconds the motion. Walter Ruskowski, of course, has been one of our own deacons for a number of years. Now he feels that God would have him to preach. We do not know what the future holds for him, but we wanted to go on record as being for him and recommending unanimously that the church license him to preach the Gospel. Is there any discussion about it? If not, if you are in favor, you will give a resounding “Aye.”


PASTOR: If you oppose (and of course, you do not), you may say “No” and it is so ordered.

CHURCH CLERK: The board of deacons recommends that the church spends $80.00 from the surplus fund to have this tile in the foyer of the new auditorium repaired. Brother Pastor, I move that this recommendation be approved.

PASTOR: Is there a second to the motion? (Mr. Streeter raised his hand.)

Brother Streeter seconds it. Back in the rear of this building there is ceramic tile. When the building was built, asphalt tile was installed. When we came in the first Sunday, it was raining, if you recall, and we slipped. We then decided to put down ceramic tile first. We didn’t. We put the ceramic tile over the asphalt tile. When the fire came, the firemen came in here and, of course, the water got all over this floor. It seeped under the tile back there. The professional tile men say that the water has lifted up the edges of the asphalt tile. what they want to do is take one width of asphalt tile off all the way around, build up the concrete, and lay the ceramic tile directly on the concrete. They will fix it for $80.00 to go home early? All in favor of spending the $80.00 by faith so that we can go home say “Aye.”

CONGREGATION: Aye (laughter)

PASTOR: The opposed, “No” and it is carried.

As you go out tonight, you will find the monthly financial statements. You may get one as you leave. It has listed each check that is written and the purpose for its writing. If you have any questions, feel free to call the church office and we will do our best to answer. Every penny that this church spends is accounted for to the membership of the church. you may get your report as you go out tonight. Do we have a motion to adjourn? (Mr. Dunsworth and Mr. Lail raised their hands.)

All in favor may stand.

Let us pray.

Father, thank you for every activity of this evening and for the sweetness that prevails in our church. In Jesus’ name. Amen,

Good night and God bless you.


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