Was Brother Hyles “Disrespectful” To People For Exposing Satan's Corrupted Bible Versions?
by David J. Stewart
December 2016 | Updated January 2017
Psalms 119:104, “Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.”
Boy I hate to write this article. God knows my heart. I love my home at Hyles Anderson College, where I attended between 1985 to 1993. My heart is with the First Baptist Church of Hammond. They've been through so much, and I don't want to add to their burdens. But God has laid upon my heart the burden of exposing Satan's Bible revisions. I feel lonely, ranting and raving like a ferocious Pitbull against the corrupt Alexandrian manuscripts, while my home college at HAC and First Baptist Church of Hammond, where I was taught and trained under Dr. Jack Hyles' preaching, are not behind me.
During a question and answer time in 2013, Pastor John Wilkerson said the following to the congregation of the First Baptist Church of Hammond, while candidating to be their pastor...
“I believe that the Bible is God's Word. I believe that it is God's Word, inspired Word, and by preservation God has preserved it for us in the King James version of the Bible. And I use nothing else. I believe it's God's Word.
I have a little bit of a hard time if someone takes another Bible, and starts tearing it up, and throwing it around, and kicking it, even if it's not that version. I just think it's disrespectful to, and is offensive and hurtful, to people who may have a different, I think it's just, you know it maybe proves a point, but I just, I don't know, I, I kind of cringe. I've been to a few services where somebody's done that, and to me, I just feel like, I may feel differently about it whether I think it's God's Word or not, but I think that there's weaker Christians who would think that as very, very, hurtful, and I think it would cause more difficulty there.”
SOURCE: Pastor John Wilkerson; Candidating Questions and Answers (2013).
Am I disrespecting people by contending for the Christian faith? Am I disrespecting people, being very, very, hurtful by warning them that the Devil has infiltrated the churches with corrupted Bible versions? Was Dr. Al Lacy being offensive and hurtful to people, when he wrote the truthful book, “NIV: THE ANTICHRIST'S BIBLE?” I do agree with the church's chairman of the deacon board concerning Brother Jack Schaap, “We trusted that man!” I do not condemn Brother Schaap for his humanities. Unfortunately, he did major damage to the church's attitude toward the King James Bible, and I doubt if they'll ever recover. What Brother Schaap did to the Word of God is 1,000 times worse than anything else he did wrong. I say that respectfully, for he was one of my Bible teachers at HAC (he taught correctly back then), and I hurt and pray for him almost daily now.
Dr. Jack Hyles said the King James Bible is inspired!
Dr. Jack Schaap said the King James Bible is not inspired.
FBCH and HAC today say that only the originals were inspired; God has preserved those words.
As you can see from the preceding statements, Dr. Hyles took the strongest stand in favor of the inspiration of the King James Bible. That's why true fundamentalists are making a big fuss over this issue. FBCH (and consequently HAC) have taken a WEAKER position since 2008, because Dr. Schaap weakened their previous position. That is why Dr. Russell Anderson is upset, and rightly so! Hyles-Anderson College in their heyday was a distinctive Christian college, because they were one of few institutions that upheld the inspiration and perfection of the beloved King James Bible. But now they are just another run-of-the-mill neo-evangelical Bible college. IF YOU DON'T PROCLAIM THE INSPIRATION OF THE KING JAMES BIBLE, YOU ARE NEO-EVANGELICAL!!!
Perhaps someone kindly asks, “Why are you splitting hairs and making a big deal of this, when FBCH and HAC only use the King James Bible?” I'm making a big deal of this because I see where this is leading! I'm making a big fuss because Dr. Jack Hyles took the strongest position in favor of the inspiration of the King James Bible, but Dr. Jack Schaap weakened that position, and it still holds at FBCH. Respectfully, you will NEVER hear First Baptist Church of Hammond or Hyles-Anderson College EVER SAY PUBLICLY AGAIN that, “the King James Bible is inspired!” To do so would call Jack Schaap a liar! To do so would say, “We were wrong!” They're not going to do that, unless they repent. That is why I am writing this important article. Bless God, THE KING JAMES BIBLE IS INSPIRED!!!!!!!
Brother Hyles Warned in 1998 That the Biggest Split Ever Was Coming
FBCH can't just remain quiet about this issue over inspiration and hope it will go away... BECAUSE IT WON'T! I'll make sure it doesn't!!! And other decent Hyles-Anderson College graduates, who attended HAC when Brother Hyles was still with us, will make sure that it doesn't! How dare anyone say that the original autographs were inspired, but not the King James Bible!!! It burns me up!!! I am against anybody who denies the inspiration of the King James Bible. “THERE IS A WAR GOING ON!!!” ...Brother Hyles said that in his MP3 sermon “When You Have To Stand Alone.” Dr. Jack Hyles warned that we HAC students would have to stand alone, even amongst independent Baptists; but I NEVER imagined that the day would come years later, when I would have to take a stand against my own Bible college at HAC, and FBCH, because they are denying the inspiration of the King James Bible. There is NOTHING more important than the inspiration of the King James Bible. It's not enough to say that you merely “use it.”
Read what Brother Hyles warned in 1997...
“The biggest split that has ever come will come in the next ten years, if not sooner, over the King James Bible - and it couldn't come soon enough for me. I'm tired of colleges and universities advertising that they 'use' the King James Bible - tell the whole story! Tell everyone that you do not believe that it is inspired word for word.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, from the Wednesday night Bible study titled, “Revelation to Illumination” (1998). Notice the year that Dr. Hyles made the preceding statement... 1998. Notice that he predicted that “THE BIGGEST SPLIT THAT HAS EVER COME WILL COME IN THE NEXT TEN YEARS”!!! It was exactly in the year 2008 that Brother Hyles' own son-in-law, Pastor Jack Schaap, wickedly denied the inspiration of the King James Bible publicly at their annual Pastor's School. FBCH is split today. HAC is split today. The nation's Baptist churches are split today! They are all split over the inspiration of the precious King James Bible. If the King James Bible were not inspired today, then what would be the purpose of preservation? What good would it be for God to preserve a flawed, almost perfect, best but not perfect, fallible Bible translation? It would make no sense unless it were 100% inspired by almighty God! I TELL YOU DEAR READER, THAT THE KING JAMES BIBLE IS VERBALLY INSPIRED WORD-FOR-WORD!!!!!!!
Kindly, First Baptist Church Of Hammond, Indiana, has had nine years to undo this mess, but they have IGNORED IT, and now it is growing, and will grow bigger and bigger if that's what they want. EVERY WORD IN THE KING JAMES BIBLE IS INSPIRED!!!!!!! This is a battle worth fighting, and BROTHER HYLES THOUGHT SO TOO! Please listen to the MP3 sermon by Dr. Hyles titled, “THE BATTLE OF THE AGES” (preached in 1994). FBCH and HAC today might consider Pastor Bob Gray Sr. and Dr. Russell Anderson, and myself (humbly), “disloyal,” BUT WE ARE LOYAL TO TRUTH, PRINCIPLE, THE INSPIRED KING JAMES BIBLE, AND THE PRECIOUS LORD JESUS CHRIST!!! To deny the inspiration of the King James Bible is to attack the Word of God, Who is the Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:1-3, 14; Revelation 19:13).
If I thought that the King James Bible were not inspired, I'd toss it into my garbage can and never read it or preach it again!!!
Churches Are Split Today Over the Inspiration of the King James Bible
I have nothing personal against Brother Wilkerson, but Dr. Hyles NEVER would have approved of a man to become the future pastor, who fraternizes (be on friendly terms with) with the Alexandrian Bible revisions!!! I don't feel worthy to speak out. I'm just a guy with a website. Who am I, but just a sinner saved by God's grace? Yet, Jesus Christ gives me the boldness to speak the truth! I make no money. I decided long ago never to take a penny for serving God. That's just me. It's not sinful for a servant of God to make a living (not a killing), from his labors for Christ, but I want no one to question my sincerity for the Lord.
I learned from Brother Hyles to be loyal to truth and principles, and not to men or institutions. Dr. Hyles states:
“Students of Hyles-Anderson College, do not give your loyalty to Hyles-Anderson College. You give your loyalty to what we stand for today, and if tomorrow we don't stand for it, you withdraw your loyalty—loyalty to principle, loyalty to right, loyalty to character, loyalty to integrity, loyalty to conviction, loyalty to truth; not loyalty to institutions.” —Dr. Jack Hyles, from the sermon titled, “Filled With All The Fulness Of God.”
Hyles-Anderson College has sadly changed, because the First Baptist Church of Hammond has changed. FBCH and HAC are vague on the perfection of the King James Bible, whereas Brother Hyles wasn't! On HAC's website, in their statement of faith, they say that they believe God's Words are infallible, inerrant, perfect and verbally (word-for-word) inspired in the originals. Their statement of faith clearly makes a distinction between the originals and the King James Bible, evidenced by the separation between the top and bottom statements...
We believe the Word of God as found in the sixty-six (66) books from Genesis to Revelation is infallible and inerrant and perfect;1 it is the plenary and verbally inspired2 words of God to men.3 We believe God has also preserved every single word4 through the ages.
1 Psalm 12:6; Proverbs 30:5; 2 II Timothy 3:16; II Peter 1:21; 3 Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4; 4 Isaiah 40:8; Matthew 5:18; Matthew 24:35; I Peter 1:25.
God has divinely preserved His words for English-speaking people in the King James Version. The King James Version is the translation used in any and all ministries of First Baptist Church for English-speaking people.From the way they have written their statement of faith, it implies that they only believe the originals are perfect. Dr. Schaap plainly denied the inspiration and perfection of the King James Bible at Pastor's School in 2008. At Pastor's School, he distributed his new book titled, “Where Are We Going?” (still available in France). During Brother Hyles' early ministry, he critiqued the King James Bible, as he was led to do by following other preachers. This is evidenced by his book on Revelation. But then in time, faithful preachers like Dr. Al Lacy, Brother Roloff and others, saw what the Devil was doing, incrementally changing the holy Bible to deceive the churches. Dr. Hyles' changed his views and became “a champion of the King James Bible!!!” You can hear this statement, and the most important preaching you'll ever hear, in Dr. Hyles' 1994 sermon (MP3) titled, “THE BATTLE OF THE AGES!!!” We're in a battle for the Word of God, that's the big battle! That “battle” is between corruptible seed and incorruptible seed.
Again, I'm making a big fuss because Dr. Hyles took the strongest position in favor of the inspiration of the King James Bible, but Dr. Schaap weakened that position, and it still holds at FBCH. You will NEVER hear First Baptist Church of Hammond or Hyles-Anderson College EVER SAY PUBLICLY AGAIN that, “the King James Bible is inspired!” To do so would call Jack Schaap a liar! To do so would say, “We were wrong!” They're not going to do that, unless they repent. That is why I am writing this important article. Bless God, THE KING JAMES BIBLE IS INSPIRED!!!!!!! Beware of ANYONE who speaks kindly of the King James Bible, but absolutely refuses to openly profess that it is itself, INSPIRED!!! To deny the inspiration of the King James Bible is akin to denying the Deity of Jesus Christ, Who is THE WORD OF GOD (John 1:1-3, 14; Revelation 19:13).
Pastor Wilkerson has openly stated that he doesn't believe in critiquing the Devil's Bible revisions, which were translated from corruptible seed. FBCH knowingly voted him in as their pastor, going against everything Dr. Hyles' taught. No doubt, Pastor Jack Schaap foolishly changed their thinking. John Wesley said, “What one generation tolerates, the next will embrace! Again, and don't miss this truth! ...
“What one generation tolerates, the next will embrace!” —John Wesley
FBCH (and consequently HAC) are tolerating Satan's corruptible seed. If they tolerate it, they'll eventually embrace it! Was Brother Hyles a senile old man? No way!!! By saying that it is “disrespectful” and “offensive” and “very, very, hurtful” to people to criticize the modern corrupt Bible revisions, Pastor Wilkerson is unintentionally criticizing Brother Hyles (because Dr. Hyles criticized them all)!!! AND WORSE, Pastor Wilkerson is effectively protecting the Devil's counterfeit translations!!!
“The only inspired Words of God
are in the King James Bible!”
Jack Hyles (an
awesome quote
Jack Hyles (THE
You'll never hear that “offensive” statement from Pastor John Wilkerson. (Not unless he has changed his views since his position at the time he candidated for the pastorship of FBCH.) In January of 2013, the congregation of First Baptist Church of Hammond cast 2,072 votes and Brother John Wilkerson received 94.64% of them![1] The church and deacon board knowingly voted in a pastor who admittedly DOESN'T CRITICIZE CORRUPTIBLE SEED!!! I just don't see Dr. Hyles ever approving of that. Call me what you will. Call me a bigot! Call me a fool! I am preaching what Brother Hyles believed, and what I believe, which is THE TRUTH!
To remain silent about the Devil's Bible “versions” is more sinful than a pastor who remains silent about sexual immorality in the church (which was the problem in 1st Corinthians 5:1-5). And may I say, the King James Bible is not a “version,” it is God's inspired, infallible, preserved and perfect Word! There is only ONE SIN for which God warns He will remove someone's name from the Book of Life, and that sin is corrupting the incorruptible Words of God!!! Revelation 22:19, “And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” DON'T MESS WITH GOD'S WORD!!! When wicked men mess with the holy Bible, righteous men need to expose them!!! ...
Psalms 119:104, “Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.”
I hate the Bible corrupting movement!!! Therefore, I cannot sit idle and stay quiet about the corrupting of God's inspired Words!!!!!!! Dr. Hyles understood the Devil's methods. Satan is our enemy! We are called “soldiers” for Jesus Christ. So why aren't most fundamentalist Christians fighting??? 2nd Timothy 2:3-4, “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.” The one who teaches corruptible seed is God's enemy! Again, Brother Hyles rightly proclaimed the truth...
“The only inspired Words of God
are in the King James Bible!”
Jack Hyles (an
awesome quote
Jack Hyles (THE
Dr. Hyles said that, and he's absolutely correct!!! Listen for yourself, “THE BATTLE OF THE AGES!!!” (MP3). The King James Bible is the ONLY Bible in the world that is not copyrighted, because they want to MAKE MONEY!!! I agree 100% with Brother Hyles, who said:
“I'm saying, ladies and gentleman, I am willing to live, and if needs be die, for this incorruptible seed right here! You can call me what you want to call me! Call me a bigot! Call me a fool! But my country was built on this incorruptible seed!”
SOURCE: Pastor Jack Hyles - “The Battle Of The Ages!” (1994)
They can tear up my degree if they want at Hyles-Anderson College (I don't think they would). They can despise my obnoxious stand for the truth (I don't think they do). But I am going to stand, if it kills me! I am going to preach what I believe to be the truth, even if I don't have a friend in this God-forsaken world! I'm going to preach the perfection of the King James Bible, even if it harelips every dog in the county!!! Ladies and gentleman, if the King James Bible is not perfect, then tell me which Bible is! But don't you dare tell me that the omnipotent God of the universe was incapable of giving us a perfect English Bible. I find no fault in the King James Bible! The King James translators themselves said their goal was never to make a “new” translation; but rather, “a good one better.” The King James Bible was the seventh in a series of English translations, “as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times” (Psalms 12:6).
Crown College in Powell, Tennessee, is no better than HAC, refraining from declaring that the King James Bible is “inspired.” Ladies and gentleman, Dr. Jack Hyles is correct! Crown College is wrong! Bob Jones University is wrong! Hyles-Anderson College that still bears Dr. Hyles' name is wrong! I hear preachers whom I love, critiquing the King James Bible still today, and I disagree with them. Even if the King James Bible translators had rendered the changes that many preachers today specify, someone else would have critiqued it instead, saying that it was not done properly.
Men would never be satisfied with any translation! I find no fault in the King James Bible!!! God promised to preserve his “very pure” words unto every generation (Psalms 12:6-7; Psalms 119:140). Since we don't have any original autographs available today, I know that somewhere in this world there exists God's very pure words. If it's not the King James Bible, then which Bible is it? I can respect a preacher, even if he's wrong, who says boldly that The Living Bible is the one (it's not)! But don't you dare tell me that we don't have a perfect holy Bible today from God!!! God is not a liar!!!
You'd be shocked how many churchgoers today (including pastors) have a dozen Bible versions on their shelf at home, and consult them all to get a different “take” on the Scriptures. The big problem is that the modern Bible versions have deliberately been corrupted by evil men, inspired by Satan, to attack Christ's deity, remove the Godhead, pervert the Gospel, pervert the virgin birth, remove imputation, Remove Acts 8:37, promote feminism, teach the heresy of Lordship Salvation, and teach a false view of repentance. I could go on all day!!!
believe this King James Bible is the ONLY Bible!”
—Dr. Jack Hyles, a
quote from the great sermon, “I Find No Fault In This Man!”
Perhaps you ask, “Why are you preaching this?” Oh, I don't know, maybe it's my 100 mg/day of Oxycontin pain medication for my neck. Or maybe I'm just getting tired of being the only dog barking on the block! Yep, it's the latter! My pain meds actually keep me going. My neck hurts 24/7. I have osteo-arthritis, stenosis, radiculopathy and displaced cervical disks. It all falls under the umbrella of Cervical Degenerative Disk Disease (CDDD). I feel like the only dog barking against the Devil's corruptible seed. I know I'm not. But where are the 7,000 who have not bowed their knee to Baal? Please listen to the MP3 sermon by Dr. Hyles titled, “It's Time To Come Out Of The Closet!” I feel like the lone ranger! Dr. Hyles and Dr. Al Lacy are now up in Heaven, watching us, having joined that great cloud of witnesses (Hebrews 12:1).
I know Brother Hyles is proud of me, and moreover, my God is proud of me. I don't live for Brother Hyles, he didn't die for my sins on the cross. I live for Jesus Christ, and Him alone!!! But I love Brother Hyles and he was my mentor, and there's not a man I've ever known, who did so much for God, than Pastor Hyles. The people who crucify Dr. Hyles, wouldn't do so if they only truly knew what they were doing. The same is true of Jesus on the cross. The Bible says that, had the rulers truly understood what they were doing, “they would not have crucified the Lord of glory” (1st Corinthians 2:8). Likewise, if Dr. Hyles' critics could only see the big heavenly picture (the truth), they'd never criticize him again. The two men that I love the most are Dr. Jack Hyles and my earthly father, both now in Heaven. I thank God for any preacher who is tough, a fighter and not a wuss (a weak and ineffectual person; lacking power or enforcefulness)! The great need of the hour is preaching preachers! Brother Lester Roloff exposed The Living Bible PERversion!!! (MP3).
Pastor Hyles warned about anyone who questions the inspiration and accuracy of the King James Bible...
“And brother, any time anybody ever casts any reflection upon the accuracy and the inspiration—verbal inspiration—of this Bible, I'll guarantee you he was inspired by the demons. I'll guarantee you! I don't care if he's got a 'reverend' in front of his name. I don't care if he has a clerical collar on. I don't care what school he's been to. He's of the Devil if he says that the Bible is not verbally inspired by God!” —Dr. Jack Hyles, a great quote from the awesome MP3 sermon titled, “Satan's Masterpiece.”
Having said that, I sincerely admire Pastor John Wilkerson as the new pastor of FBCH. I like what Brother Wilkerson said in a sermon that I heard... “Everything God does is right!” He is a soul-winning pastor, and that is important. He has won the heart of the people, and I have a heart's bond toward any and all HAC students, being one myself. I was privileged to visit Brother Wilkerson's home with some HAC friends, while staying in Long Beach, California. We were there at Pastor Larry Chappell's church for a few days for the wedding of a friend in the early 1990's. It was a fun and memorable time. Yet, HAC has changed since then. First Baptist Church of Hammond just won't say it. They just won't say it! Well, I'll say it... THE KING JAMES BIBLE IS INSPIRED!!!
Respectfully, it is my humble opinion that Pastor John Wilkerson either fails to understand the serious nature and gravity of the issue at hand, or else he is informed and he just doesn't think it's worth his time and effort to expose the Devil's counterfeit Bibles. I am fully convinced that it is the latter scenario. Brother Wilkerson attended Hyles-Anderson at around the same time I did. We both knew what Dr. Hyles believed and taught. From the day I enrolled at Hyles-Anderson College, until the day I left, and still today, I have a burning fire in my soul to PREACH THE TRUTH!!! A man who is worried about “offending” people, or being “hurtful” toward others, by criticizing their corrupt Bible versions, by telling THE TRUTH, that man is not fit to be in the pulpit. Part of a pastor's duty as the church's shepherd, is to warn the flock against wolves in sheep's clothing trying to sneak into the fold, who will hurt and destroy the flock (i.e., the congregation). By not exposing the modern Bible versions, Brother Wilkerson is not warning his flock about the lurking wolves just waiting to kill, steal and destroy the flock. Satan's corruptible seed must be exposing, refuted and shunned!
believe this King James Bible is the ONLY Bible!”
—Dr. Jack Hyles, a
quote from the great sermon, “I Find No Fault In This Man!”
* * * * * * *
Dr. Hyles' Five Great Life Principles
In his classic MP3 sermon, “Filled With All The Fulness Of God,” Dr. Hyles tells the story of how he was called to his second pastorate 10-miles outside of Marshall, Texas. None of the men in the church voted for him. He was called as their pastor by a vote of 28-to-27. Everyone who voted for him to be their pastor were the church youth and one lady adult.
Three bigshots in the church—the chairman of the deacon board, the Sunday School superintendent and the treasurer—called him close to midnight, demanding to meet with him immediately at the church. So a young 19-year-old Jack Hyles walked down a dark country road to meet with the three men at the church. As he sat listening in the front pew, those men told him that he wasn't old enough to pastor their church, and that they didn't want him as their pastor. They threatened Brother Hyles that if he did accept the pastorate, the treasurer would never write him a paycheck.
After leaving the meeting, Brother Hyles drove around in the wee hours of the morning in an east Texas pine thicket, praising God and feeling great peace and joy in the Lord. During that drive, the young Jack Hyles made five promises to God; namely:
Nobody will ever tell me what to preach or where to preach. Money will never be an object in my ministry. I will always be a friend to my friends. I will be loyal to principles, and not to Institutions. In the sermon Dr. Hyles states:
“Students of Hyles-Anderson College, do not give your loyalty to Hyles-Anderson College. You give your loyalty to what we stand for today, and if tomorrow we don't stand for it, you withdraw your loyalty—loyalty to principle, loyalty to right, loyalty to character, loyalty to integrity, loyalty to conviction, loyalty to truth; not loyalty to institutions.” —Dr. Jack Hyles, from the sermon titled, “Filled With All The Fulness Of God” I will make the decisions of my ministry on the basis of what I think is right only.
In 1945, Brother Hyles became the pastor at the Grange Hall Baptist Church in Marshall, Texas. They didn't pay him for the first 8-weeks, and when he did get paid, his salary was $20 a week. In his sermon titled “Good Ol' God,” Dr. Hyles says that during those 8-weeks that the church deacons refused to pay him, he bought a push-lawnmower and cut the grass of church members for $1 to $2 to keep food on the table. He faithfully pastored that church and walked with God. Oh, how we need to get back to old-time Christianity in our churches today.
* * * * * * *
I realize that Pastor Wilkerson is not the same personality as Dr. Hyles. They are different in many ways. I understand that. Brother Wilkerson is a sweet, kind and gentle man. But we're talking about the corruptible verses incorruptible Words of God. What does Brother Wilkerson being a nice guy have to do with the need to proclaim the truth of God's Word? OK, the man is sweet, kind and gentle. I get that. So then expose the satanic Bible revisions by using a sweet tone of voice! Be gentle while driving the Devil out of town! You can still be kind while warning everyone that the Alexandrian Bible revisions are spiritually dangerous, they teach a false meaning of repentance, and they pervert the Gospel by doing so.
My point is that being kind, gentle and sweet as a pastor has NOTHING to do with God's royal command for every believer to, “refute (Greek: elencho, “to expose”) all works of darkness” (Ephesians 5:11). Brother Wilkerson, as do all preachers and Christians, has a Biblical duty to expose all works of darkness, and I cannot think of anything more evil and dark than Satan's Bible revisions. (The Jehovah's Witnesses use the same exact Alexandrian texts as do all the modern translations.) Am I making my point folks? I love you in the Lord, and we've got to start warning people in our churches that Satan has poisoned their food supply, intentionally, to infiltrate and destroy the churches. Please see: “NEW WORLD ORDER BIBLE VERSIONS” (an excellent 1:46 hour video documentary).
Ladies and gentleman, you can trust your beloved King James Bible. If you need help with some of the archaic words, there are many free study aids available online. All of the Alexandrian Bible revisions speak without authority, unlike the powerful King James Bible. No wonder today's neo-evangelical preachers also speak without authority. Brother Lester Roloff rightly said, “The world has lost respect for the Church because she has lost her authority”!!!” You can hear Brother Roloff say this, and much more in the MP3 sermon titled, “Running Short On Authority.” The modern Bible versions lack authority, because they are manmade, and not God's inspired Words. Bless God, we need some more pitbull preachers who say it like it is, “The New International Version is the Anti-Christ's Bible!” The NIV preaches ANOTHER JESUS!!!
I plead with you, dear reader, don't fail to understand the severity of this matter. Psalms 138:2, “I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.” If God magnifies His Word above all His name, I'd say we ought to take the matter VERY SERIOUSLY!!! Psalms 138:2 literally teaches that the Written Words of God (the holy Bible) are more important than the holy name of Jesus Christ, Who is the Living Word (i.e., the incarnate Word, John 1:1-3, 14; Revelation 19:13). The reason why is so obvious, because just as with any man, God's Word is His bond. If God's Word is corruptible, then so also, God is corruptible!!!
Dr. Schaap calls King James Bible only adherents (like me, Pastor Hyles and Dr. Russell Anderson) “rats in the woodpile” and “hillbillies” and “ignorant clergy” and “barbarians” and accuses us of “esposing Catholic and Charismatic theology” in his book (published by Hyles' Publications in 2008). Who could blame King James Bible only believers for getting upset at such horrendous and false accusations? First Baptist Church of Hammond has never rectified the matter, evidently out of a misguided sense of loyalty for Brother Schaap. Their loyalty at the time in 2008 is understandable, because it was all new to them and overwhelming, but they have no excuses today in 2016 in hindsight. Pastor Jack Trieber in California shamefully sided with Pastor Schaap's false position on the Bible in 2008. Brother Hyles always came to the defense of his friends, and sacrificially gave to help them (even paying tens of thousands of dollars in legal defense funds for other pastors), but Dr. Hyles NEVER defended any friend's denial of the inspiration of the King James Bible!!! We ought to first and foremost be loyal to truth and principle, not to other men or institutions!
The purpose of this web article is not to criticize Pastor John Wilkerson; but rather, to raise awareness to all my readers of the lackadaisical attitude in our fundamental Baptist churches today toward the satanic, corrupted, Alexandrian, dangerous, occult-spawned, Bible revisions!!! We have a Biblical duty to warn others! Pastor Wilkerson doesn't think it's a good idea, because someone might be “very, very, hurt” and “offended” by it. WELL THEN BE OFFENDED!!!
Again, here is the quote in question by Pastor Wilkerson...
“I have a little bit of a hard time if someone takes another Bible, and starts tearing it up, and throwing it around, and kicking it, even if it's not that version. I just think it's disrespectful to, and is offensive and hurtful, to people who may have a different, I think it's just, you know it maybe proves a point, but I just, I don't know, I, I kind of cringe. I've been to a few services where somebody's done that, and to me, I just feel like, I may feel differently about it whether I think it's God's Word or not, but I think that there's weaker Christians who would think that as very, very, hurtful, and I think it would cause more difficulty there.”
SOURCE: Pastor John Wilkerson; Candidating Questions and Answers (2013)
Weaker Christians are the ones who need to be warned the most about the Devil's counterfeit Bible versions, because they are the most vulnerable to be corrupted and ruined by them. And besides, no one was ever born-again from corruptible seed. NO ONE!!! 1st Peter 1:23 teaches that we are born-again by INCORRUPTIBLE SEED!!! Many Baptist churches use and promote the modern corrupt Bibles, but fall back upon the King James Bible. In this situation, some people do get saved, from the King James Bible, but their doctrine is tainted and corrupted by the Alexandrian revisions also. Also, many people DON'T get saved, who rely upon the perverted modern revisions, and loathe the King James Bible (because they are too lazy to study it).
We are at spiritual war folks. The holy Bible is our double-edge Sword (Hebrews 4:12). The modern Bible revisions are dull butter knives! You'll never win a battle (or a war) without the spiritual arsenal that God provided for us (Ephesians 6:12-18). The King James Bible (KJB) is a Thompson submachine gun (aka, Tommy Gun); but the New International Version (NIV) is a pea-shooter! If all your church has to fight the forces of darkness is a pea-shooter, you are doomed!!! FBCH uses only the King James Bible, but they used to also expose and criticize the satanic Bible corruptions when Brother Hyles was the pastor. Now they have changed their position, and no longer criticize the Alexandrian Bible revisions. I dare wonder if they would ever invite someone like Dr. Al Lacy again, to preach a King James Bible Seminar, which I gratefully attended in the summer of 1992. Dr. Al Lacy EXPOSED the newer Bible revisions!!!
It is a horribly WRONG mindset to avoid offending weaker believers, by withholding the truth that Satan has poisoned their spiritual food and milk (the Bible, 1st Peter 2:2). That's no different than if I see somebody putting rat poison in your food, but I dare not tell you, because you may be offended and not come back to the restaurant. What kind of person would I be if I failed to warn you? Perhaps Pastor Wilkerson does not perceive the woeful dangers and dire threat possessed by the Alexandrian Bible revisions. Our churches are dying from spiritual poison. People are going to Hell, trusting in the false repentance of Judas (Matthew 27:3).
I think FBCH and HAC are doing woeful spiritual harm by staying silent on the Bible issue debate, while millions of churchgoers are being mercilessly poisoned by the Devil. What good is all the uplifting music of Bob Jones University, and their orchestrates, if they're silent as Satan poisons the churches? What good is Hyles-Anderson's efforts to save America, if they no longer expose corruptible seed? ...If they don't want to suffer reproach for Christ? ...If they don't want to be led outside the gate with Jesus? I am outside the gate with Jesus. Bob Jones College and Moody Bible Institute are inside the gate with the Devil's Bible-corrupting crowd.
BATTLE OF THE AGES (MP3 by Dr. Hyles, “The King James Bible crowd is going to come out on top!”)
Thank God that Brother Hyles preached THE TRUTH about the satanic Bible revisions creeping into the churches!!! Sure some people became offended. Sure some people were very, very, hurt. That is to be expected when preaching the truth. Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” John 8:45, “And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.” Would you rather see people fall by the wayside, because of corruptible seed which cannot save them or nourish them? If preachers ought to warn people about sin, and they should, then that includes the sin of using satanic Bible versions!!! We must warn others about the deadly consequences of using such wicked counterfeit Bibles. Kindly, the First Baptist Church of Hammond is spiritually dying!!! They are tolerating the Devil's corruptible seed. The next generation will bring it in and totally embrace it!!!
It is abundantly clear to me that Pastor Wilkerson either doesn't grasp the seriousness of the issue, or God forbid, he just doesn't care. As I've quoted to you twice from his candidacy statements, Brother Wilkerson says that critiquing the Alexandrian Bible revisions is “disrespetcuful” and “offensive” and “very, very, hurtful” to people. Well, what do you think those satanic Bible revisions are doing to those people? The New International Version is very, very, hurtful too!!! The NIV disrespects the Lord Jesus Christ. The NIV translators completely removed Acts 8:37, which now teaches baptismal regeneration. That is deadly! Why wouldn't Brother Wilkerson want to warn people about deceptions like this, that mislead others concerning the plan of salvation?
Satan is tricking his victims, seducing the churches to use the perverted modern revisions because they are easier to read. The Devil had a brilliant strategy. He knew that if he made the Bible easier to read, that the churches would wholeheartedly embrace them. At the same time, key Scripture passages concerning the Godhead, Christ's Deity, the virgin birth, Jesus' blood sacrifice, His preeminence, repentance and salvation were deliberately corrupted by Origin and Clement, the fathers of the Alexandrian translations from which all modern versions are translated. Did you know that all the modern Bible versions are translated from the same Westcott and Hort Greek as the Jehovah's Witness' New World Translation? It's absolutely true!!!
Why wouldn't Pastor Wilkerson see fit to warn people about this wickedness—a very real present danger???!!! I am not picking on Brother Wilkerson. I refute Dr. Hyle's false teaching on the “SHE-kinah” Glory, a satanic term that Judaizers have crept into the churches. This is not personal, it is a matter of proclaiming THE TRUTH. I am faithfully warning people that Satan has poisoned the Words of God in all the modern Bible revisions from Westcott and Hort. I hate to say it, but Hyles-Anderson is dangerously close to being another Bob Jones University (a bunch of cowards who have sold out the Lord Jesus Christ by supporting the Alexandrian Bible PERversions). I've met their bad graduates!
It makes me sick when Bob Jones University (BJU) says they haven't changed since 1927 when they opened their doors. Well, why not? Hundreds of new English corrupt Bible revisions have flooded into the churches since 1927. Why aren't you guys taking a stand against them? Why aren't you crying, “WOLF!” Why don't you care? I mean, how perverted do the new Bible versions have to become until you finally say, “Enough!” BJU and Moody Bible Institute (MBI) have their culture, their elaborate orchestras, their exquisite special music... a bunch of religious snobs! Meanwhile, the world is going to Hell.
The biggest threat to the churches today are the Devils Bible paraphrases and revisions! If Satan can corrupt the Bible, and he has, then he has won!!! These are the last days of Hyles-Anderson College spiritually. They are all but dead because of their unfaithfulness to the King James Bible. It should be obvious to any Bible-believing Christian who loves the Lord that there is only one English Bible... the KING JAMES BIBLE!!! Bob Jones University died long ago. Moody Bible Institute died long ago. Moody publishers have been printing John MacArthur's books for years, which teach that Jesus' literal blood is not sprinkled upon the heavenly Mercy Seat. Moody is helping the Devil in Jesus' name!!!
I've given you many reasons in this article why the Alexandrian Bible revisions are so dangerous. The new Bibles wrongly define “repentance” and require making Jesus “Lord” to be saved, which are not the simple Gospel.
If preachers ought to preach against the sin of abortion, then so ought we also preach against the sin of false Bible versions!
If preachers ought to preach against the sin of adultery, then so ought we also preach against the sin of false Bible versions!
If preachers ought to preach against the sin of casino gambling, then so ought we also preach against the sin of false Bible versions!
If preachers ought to preach against the sin of drunkenness, then so ought we also preach against the sin of false Bible versions!
If preachers ought to preach against the sin of homosexuality, then so ought we also preach against the sin of false Bible versions!
If preachers ought to preach against the sin of covetousness, then so ought we also preach against the sin of false Bible versions!
If preachers ought to preach against the sin of formalism, then so ought we also preach against the sin of false Bible versions!
If preachers ought to preach against the sin of stealing, then so ought we also preach against the sin of false Bible versions!
If preachers ought to preach against the sin of gossiping, then so ought we also preach against the sin of false Bible versions!
If preachers ought to preach against the sin of indifference, then so ought we also preach against the sin of false Bible versions!
There is nothing any more important than the Word of God. The Lord only Authored ONE BOOK!!! For Brother Wilkerson to say that he doesn't want to be “disrespectful” or “offensive” or “very, very, hurtful” to people, by criticizing their PERverted Bible revisions is horrible. Should we also refrain from preaching against the sin of homosexuality, because it surely will offend someone? Should we also avoid preaching against the sin of abortion, because it will greatly “offend” and deeply “hurt” people? Is that the new criteria being used today in the pulpit... “Say what makes people feel good”??? I mean, should our goal to be to preach the truth in such a way that it never offends anyone, or deeply hurts their feelings, or are we to CRY ALOUD, SPARE NOT, LIFT UP THY VOICE LIKE A TRUMPET, AND SHEW MY PEOPLE THEIR TRANSGRESSION? (Isaiah 58:1). Brother Wilkerson says that he is not a preacher, but he is a preacher. It's not how he says it that matters, it's what he says that matters!!!
“A lady when I first came here said, 'I don't like that loud preaching.' I said, 'Sister, what I preach you wouldn't like if I whispered it.” —Jack Hyles (a quote from the excellent MP3 sermon titled, “SATAN'S TACTICS”)
I know with all my heart at the Judgment Seat of Christ, that the Lord is going to commend me for standing true by the King James Bible, and for crying aloud against Satan's counterfeit Bible revisions in the churches! Why Would Anyone Use The NIV? The Holy Spirit is no longer a “He” in the gender-neutral NIV 2011. If the pastors of our largest churches, like the First Baptist Church of Hammond (the granddaddy of 'em all), refuse to cry aloud against the satanic corruption of the incorruptible Words of God, then prey tell me who will? I will, until I die, or something happens that prevents me from preaching...
“I'm against sin. ... I'll kick it as long as I've got a foot, and I'll fight it as long as I've got a fist. I'll butt it as long as I've got a head. I'll bite it as long as I've got a tooth. And when I'm old and fistless and footless and toothless, I'll gum it till I go home to Glory and it goes home to perdition!” —Evangelist Billy Sunday
Yes, that is what I'll do too! I'm just getting warmed up preaching!!! IF I PERISH, I PERISH! (MP3, Dr. Hyles). I know that some people will be upset with me for writing this article; it won't be the first time. I'm not nitpicking! We're talking about the Word of God!!! First Baptist Church of Hammond has changed. The entire spirit is different than before. All that Brother Hyles fought so hard to preserve was undone in a single day at pastor's School by Pastor Jack Schaap. In an open letter to FBCH and HAC students worldwide (February 2009), Dr. Russell Anderson took a bold Biblical stand for the inspiration of the King James Bible. Brother Schaap openly denied the inspiration of the King James Bible in a book he wrote, which was distributed at pastor's School.
Kindly, from viewing HAC's present statement of faith in 2016 (as I quoted to you earlier), it is clear to me as a grateful alumni of Hyles-Anderson College (1985-1993), that they no longer believe that the King James Bible is inspired. Rather, like Bob Jones College, they only believe the “original” autographs were inspired, and at best we have a preserved, but flawed, King James Bible today. Dr. Schaap made very clear back in 2008 that he did not believe the King James Bible was “perfect,” but later back-pedaled as much as possible without saying “I was wrong!” The church backed him up 100% and destroyed all that Brother Hyles had accomplished. Folks, if you're wrong on the holy Bible, you're no better than Seventh-day Adventists!
I agree with this article by Michael D. O'Neal rebuking Dr. Schaap's blatant heresy on the holy Bible. Respectfully, until First Baptist Church of Hammond admits that they were wrong to deny the inspiration of the King James Bible, their pride will only increase, and their work will dwindle into just another religious group like the dead southern Baptist convention. There are dead religious groups all over America!!! The authority of the Church is the inspired Word of God!!! We have no original autographs today! All we have, even in the Greek, are copies. There's nothing wrong with our beloved King James Bible. No one ever questions the King James Bible until some preacher puts those ideas in their head. There are good men who correct the King James Bible, as Dr. Hyles' once did long ago, but the plethora of ever-changing corrupt Bible revisions in America has opened the eyes of true men of God, including Dr. Hyles. If Dr. Hyles was willing to admit that he was wrong at one time, then First Baptist Church can certainly do the same.
The Bible is under attack like never before. People everywhere need to be warned about the satanic modern Bible revisions. Only the King James Bible still “worships” Jesus!!! Satan's hands have been busy! I strongly disagree with Brother Wilkerson on critiquing Satan's Bibles, I don't think Brother Hyles was being “disrespectful” or “offensive” or that he was “very, very, hurtful” toward people by criticizing the corrupt Bible PERversions (CORRUPTIBLE SEED). I was actually surprised when 94.64% of the members at FBCH voted for Brother John Wilkerson to become their pastor, knowing that he admittedly refuses to expose the modern corrupt Bible PERversions!!! The church gets what they deserve for veering away from the truth.
Evidently, according to a recent letter from Dr. Russell Anderson (whom I stand with in this matter on the inspiration of the beloved King James Bible), Pastor Wilkerson is refusing to restore the church and college to the correct position which Dr. Hyles believed and set forth, that is, that the King James Bible is in itself, inspired. I was really hoping that when Brother Wilkerson became the new pastor in 2013, that FBCH would welcome Dr. Russell Anderson back to the college, apologize to him, honor his courageous stand for the truth, and restore Hyles-Anderson College to its former glory (when they championed the King James Bible). Now they merely use the King James Bible, but when I attended HAC, they championed the King James Bible!!!!!!!
Dr. Schaap plainly taught that the King James Bible is not inspired, because he errantly viewed “inspiration” as the process by which God gave the original words to man. However, the Bible no where teaches that meaning. To be “inspired” simply means “God-breathed.” That is, the words came from God, they are God's Words!!! Our beloved King James Bible is 100% inspired, because God has honored His solemn promise in Psalms 12:6-7 to preserve His words unto every generation. God's Words were inspired in Heaven, before the first word was ever given to man (Psalms 119:89). So the debate is over the meaning of “inspiration” itself. If, as FBCH (and consequently HAC) believe, inspiration only refers to the process by which God breathed His words to man, then only the original autographs can be inspired, and at best the King James Bible is a superior but imperfect preservation of those inspired words. Respectfully, this is what Dr. Jack Schaap errantly taught. This is the “issue.” Dr. Hyles refused to believe that the holy Bible which he had been preaching from for 55 years was imperfect!!!
“I must have every Word if I speak His message. If I didn't think I had a perfect Bible I'd close this one, walk out that door, I'd never walk in the pulpit again.” —Dr. Jack Hyles
Please read, “What Dr. Jack Hyles Believed About the King James Bible!” Brother Hyles believed that the King James Bible is inspired and perfect (and so do I). The following quote is taken from his great book, “The Need for an Every-Word Bible,” page 54...
“I'm tired of colleges and universities advertising that they use the King James Bible. Tell the whole story! Tell everyone that you do not believe that it is inspired word for word.”
It is hard to grasp that Pastor Schaap even tried to claim that Dr. Hyles didn't believe in the inspiration of the King James Bible. Dr. Hyles clearly DID believe in the inspiration of the King James Bible...
“Every word in this Bible
is inspired by God almighty!”
Jack Hyles (a great quote from the classic sermon, “
And if that quote is not plain enough for you, how's this one...
“The only inspired Words of God
are in the King James Bible!”
Jack Hyles (an
awesome quote —Dr.
Jack Hyles (THE
Respectfully, since neither Dr. Jack Hyles or Dr. Russell Anderson agree with the college's present position on the King James Bible, because the folks at HAC adamantly refuse to openly proclaim the inspiration of the King James Bible, “Hyles-Anderson” really should rename the place to something else, to be ethical. I don't want to be facetious by suggesting some alternative names for the college. I will always love my home college at HAC, but like my home neighborhood in Chicago that simply doesn't exist anymore due to the drastic demographic change over the past 40 years, the HAC I once knew sadly doesn't exist anymore.
I spiritually benefit from listening to some of Pastor Wilkerson's sermons, but it loathes me that FBCH is vague on what they believe. Why? Obviously they are either protecting Dr. Schaap's heresy, or they have sadly bought into it, or both! Their present statement of faith does not remedy Dr. Schaap's heresy on the holy Bible. From everything Dr. Schaap has misled people to believe, and from what I can determine from their own statement of faith at HAC, FBCH and HAC believe that only the originals were inspired, and those originals have been preserved, but the King James Bible itself is not on the same plane as the originals, because it has flaws in it. They will not come right out and say that the King James Bible is INSPIRED!!!
Like it or not, the First Baptist Church of Hammond has to make a choice. They must choose between Dr. Jack Hyles or Dr. Jack Schaap. Brother Schaap put them into that situation, sad to say. There is no way to harmonize the drastic disagreement on the inspiration of the King James Bible between the two men. One is right, the other is wrong. It appears that FBCH has already chosen Dr. Schaap, which is clearly the wrong choice. It appears that they are straddling-the-fence on the issue, hoping over time that this matter will go away, but it WON'T. It cannot, because they no longer champion the King James Bible. They no longer expose Satan's corruptible seed (aka, the Alexandrian Bible revisions). They no longer stand for the inspired Words of God in the King James Bible!!!
There is nothing in this universe more important than the Word of God. Respectfully, I sincerely hope and pray at some point, that FBCH and HAC will “Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works” (Revelation 2:5). Brother Hyles faithfully taught that the King James Bible is the inspired and perfect, Word of God, and this is the “first works.” Kindly, if I had my way, about 343,000 pastors (of the estimated 350,000 religious congregations)[2] across the United States would hear two words made famous by newly elected President Donald Trump ...YOU'RE FIRED!!!
Foxe's Book Of Martyrs
(.PDF book,
1563 edition)
Jack Hyles (a great quote from the classic sermon, “
Psalms 116:15, “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.”
“The only inspired Words of God
are in the King James Bible!”
Jack Hyles (an
awesome quote —Dr.
Jack Hyles (THE
(MP3 by Dr. Hyles,
“The King James Bible crowd is
going to come out on top!”)